2013年9月30日 星期一

12. 否 111000 天地-乾坤 (Quarter 1-10)

否之匪,人不利,君子貞:大往小來。-- 雖然渠道表面上是暢通的,但是底部卻可能沉積土石和難以辨識的雜物,日積月累便容易造成堵塞。阻礙和否定的排解不是一般人能輕易做到的。君子偵測的結果是:用大溝渠暢通廢排水,用小溝渠流通自來水。同時,還要謹慎處理溝渠裡的淤積物。(P.S. 此處「匪」字解為「某個區域的排解」,包括排水設施、污水處理等,同時又帶有「非凡或非常不同的區位」之性質。)

初六:拔茅茹,以其彙,貞吉亨。/ 變卦天雷無妄 -- 辛苦拔除乾枯的茅草、吞食難以下嚥的食物、努力開墾荒地,不就是為了預期將來能得到彙集豐富、果實藟藟的收成嗎?不斷偵測連結,不就是為了更美好的未來嗎?天打雷霹是一種自然現象,何必過度懼怕呢?不要讓無謂的妄想來否定事業的發展啊!

六二:包承,小人吉,大人否亨。/ 變卦天水訟 -- 心中懷抱著承擔的事業、努力開創未來的遠景,此時小孩或年少的人感到歡喜和樂意,但是大人、成年人或一般大眾卻否定與高興摻半,甚至擱置攔阻、爭名逐利。從事開創性的公益事業,可不是為了爭奪個人私利啊!

六三:包羞。/ 變卦天山遯 -- 萬物皆取之於天地啊!心中懷抱著羞愧於天地的心情,從事開創性的公益事業,要默默耕耘、隱藏身段、態度低調一些纔是啊! 

九四:有命無咎,疇離祉。/ 變卦風地觀 -- 相信有天降的命運,給自己增加一點自信心,這是沒有錯的。當阻礙和否定像風吹大地般的擴散,在這片進行土地開發的範圍中,田產和籌資也會在觀望和遲疑中逐漸離開這個社會呢!

九五:休否,大人吉,其亡其亡,繫于苞桑。/ 變卦火地晉 -- 遲疑的否定逐漸休止了,大人、成年人或一般大眾都感到歡喜。那一芒一芒的成果都維繫在苞桑綻放的未來呢!在經過一番努力和忙碌之後,心中的熱情不禁又晉昇到更高的境界了。(P.S.此處「亡」解為「芒」,即農曆二十四節氣中的「芒種」或「開花結果」的意思。「苞桑」即 blossom。)

上九:傾否,先否後喜。/ 變卦澤地萃 -- 強硬的否定終於也傾倒了,潤澤的土地再次豐收。就在邁向物產萃聚、欣欣向榮的遠景之時,先前的阻礙和否定,後來都變成喜悅、欣慰和順應。

"As the obstacles stacked in the ditches of fresh water supplying or wasted water draining, the agriculture land might face some kind of crisis during its development."

"Ancient Hanese regarded flowing water in the ditches as an important factor about the development of their civilization, that's why there was a compound words '溝通' which not only meant 'the ditch water is fluently flowing' but also meant 'communication'......"

"Do you notice a compound word '苞桑' in the fifth yao's lyrics of this qua, it sounded like 'blossom',......that meant, many flowers were blossoming on that agricultural land......To those ancient agricultural developers, flowers might be the awesome hopeful symbol about their wonderful future......"

"But......actually some flowers and plants might contain poison or toxicity and let their drinking water become trouble water, that might be the reason why they carefully tried to filter or get rid of those poisons and toxic factors under the ditch water."

"Why some flowers contained poison or toxicity?"

"I suppose that would be a part of the great nature,......human beings picked plants to be their food, plants also tried to control human beings. It's an unavoidable fate......In fact some toxicities also came from human themselves as they carelessly digging the ground......Those toxicities might flow out from the exploding volcano or embed under the grounds since very old times......"

"All they could do might be keeping the fresh water sufficiently flowing forever and without being stopped by those severe obstacles, and the effects of those poisons and toxicities in the water might be reduced......"

"I can imagine when those fresh flowers became sweet fruits, most of the people were very happy and no more negative to blame or boycott their own efforts as a faulty investment......Of course their society might become more and more peaceful and concrete,......more 和諧與鞏固."


"Do you feel this word '否' also looks like a flower?"

"......A small flower,......not totally blossoms yet,......seems like '一小口'......Maybe it's not ready to talk......That might be the real meaning about fault,......it's a 'flower's little pout', a bouquet of a flower's petals......I mean '花苞' or '花胚'......It's not sure to tell you the secrets inside the land......"

"Every land has its own story, but sometimes story tellers more like to tell the stories with the starting from the sky above their land......For example: Once upon a time,......a lost angel fell down from the sky, and landed on the ground,......he saw a beautiful flower,......then he tried to settle down on that flowery land, because that flower magically became a sweet angel, too."

"After they make sure with each other and their living place gradually became a small town with lovely garden......And then, they also found,......not only themselves lived around there. So......that might be why the next qua '同人' was going to talk about the peaceful negotiation and make good deals or contracts with the other strange people......"

"Do you think I'm a stranger?"

"No, you are a special angel came from the streaming sea waves to me......"

"We don't have to make any deal or contract, maybe we are just two strings in one instrument and talking in resonance......"

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


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