2013年9月28日 星期六

09. 小畜 110111 風天-巽乾 (Quarter 1-7)

亨密雲,不雨,自我西郊。 -- 天上有風,是因為冷空氣的密度高,空氣往密度低的地方移動,於是產生氣流。此時高處的雲氣正在密佈集結,但是還沒有下雨,氣流來自西邊城郊的上空。西風東漸,這是西邊的熱水蒸氣上升到天空後又冷卻下來而逐漸累積形成的。小的積蓄,經過不斷的累積,就會產生大的影響。

初九:復自道,何其咎吉?/ 變卦巽為風 -- 西邊的雲氣累積、西風東漸,是要順風退返?還是要逆風前進?此時因為自己內心的選擇盤算而在道路上反覆不定的思索徘徊著,這樣的結果有什麼好奇怪的呢?冷熱疏密的空氣在天空中互相牽引而徘徊流動,這不就是旋風的本質嗎?

九二:牽復吉。/ 變卦風火家人 -- 之所以會反覆進退、難下決定的結果,通常是因為有所牽掛、有所顧慮。火旺則氣動,氣動則風生,訊息的累積是互相牽連的,就像一家人有時候也會彼此影響、彼此縴絆一樣。

九三:輿說輻,夫妻反目。/ 變卦風澤中孚 -- 車軌受熱膨脹而與車輪的輪輻尺寸產生偏差,於是互相脫離;電波訊號因為太陽風暴強烈的電磁波干擾而中斷了輻射頻道;夫妻之間也會因為意見不和而逐漸無視對方的存在。看不見的小偏差會因為不斷的累積而逐漸擴大、變成大的偏差,結果在彼此中間浮顯出很大的距離和沖激。

六四:有孚,血去惕出,無咎。/ 變卦乾為天 -- 內心有訊息、有靈感浮現,就像血流在身體內需要暢通的循環,遇到阻礙就自然呈現出情感訊息的變化或舒發暢言的思緒,這有什麼好奇怪的呢!人類敏感、好奇和警覺、多疑的天性不就是如此形成的嗎?

九五:有孚,攣如,富以其鄰。/ 變卦山天大畜 -- 內心有訊息浮現,雙手同時展現出手勢和動作,這是因為情緒訊息的累積量很大,所以看起來感情豐富,感染鄰人的影響力也大。當資訊累積到像通天的高山一般時,傾吐出來的意念往往源源不絕,就像大量累積黃磷的礦場在空氣中也會發生連鎖反應的大爆炸,煙霧直衝九霄雲外呢!

上九:既雨既處,尚德載。婦貞厲,月幾望,君子征凶。/ 變卦水天需 -- 內在訊息的紓發如同天空下了大雨之後就風平浪靜一般,高尚的德性可以承載情緒的發洩。婦人通常對於危險的偵察很敏感,就連月亮快圓的時候也會說:君子前往異地的行動是要再三考慮盤算的,如果沒有真正迫切的需要,還是暫緩外出行動吧!

"I'm very interesting to this Hanese word '畜'. It seemed like symbolize a heavy and dark cloud with a spiral something above a grid field."

"Do you think it looked like a tornado above a city with grid system roads and streets?......"

"Yes, I think it might be some kind of ancient graphical description about 'Urban Heat Island Effect' when a small town became a large city with many dry pavings and high density buildings."

"That's why the winds were coming from the west side of the place where the author of 易經 had been lived. But......if the western side was a great desert, it would arouse the same weather effect."

"Western land was a mysterious place to the ancient Hanese. Do you know the Silk Road in history? I mean 絲路...... It was a very mysterious and dangerous long path to the west for the ancient Hanese travelers, there were many strange flowers and hot mountains on the road."

"Ancient Roman and Hanese had been connected on the Silk Road, is that why the road was called a road? ......It must be a nice path for rolling wheels to move fast under the weird weather. It's different to the narrow street with many trees."

"Silk Road was not built in one day, so do railroad. I think the Great Wall in ancient northern China had been used as a mass rapid transport system - Great MRT, not just a boring long wall for defense......many historians lost the other meaning of its possible function,.......but as that Great MRT extending to the western land with desert, it lost and stopped,......couldn't go on constructing anymore......"

"Hot air and hot wind could melt the stone, melt the wall, and let them become sands,.......become glass,......even become jades......Then the jades were becoming a kind of important exchangeable goods in commercial trade between west and east,......even were treated like the credit matters in the markets on the way of Silk Road ....."

"If you owned many jades on the Silk Road, you could exchange a lot of things included the finest silks. Those ancient trade merchants addicted and carried jades on the roads,.......across thousands milestones for a long time,.......then the so-called Silk Road was established."

"As the Silk Road was established, the different cultures from the west and east were compacted together, and the speed of affection between them became faster than ever, even became some kind of impact,......seemed like bursting hot wind and speedy spiral tornado......"

"Can you imagine the strong wind on the desert?.......It will arouse the sands and dusts up to the whole sky, cover your eyes and let you miss your sight, lose the foot steps for tracing, all you can do is follow the connected silk ropes to recognize and correct the moving direction on the desert of Silk Road......"

"Why sands could be sent in a long distance? Why sands could gather again after they are separated?......Because of they are the same dots, they are similar to each other......They created the land of miss, but not missed themselves at all......"


"So, how can I do as I walk into the land of the miss? Should I need a pair of suitable shoes?......Should I wear a pair of nice sunglasses?......Should I find and follow the rails which looked like the silk lines?......"

"Look that word '畜' again!......Do you feel it's more looked like a little wire of silk was pulled out from a small silkworm cocoon?......That's why its Hanese vocal sound 'shu' was sounded like 'silk' and related to 'pull'......"

"Trust me!......If you have saved a lot of jades and silks, don't waste and expense them too fast on the Silk Road, because of the Silk Road is just a very very long road, you will need to ask for sharing the woolen clothes from kind sheep during those hardly coldest nights......"

At that moment, I saw a wire of strong flame was suddenly bursting out from the big round sun far away behind E.'s back as I talking with her on the beach, that made me feel there might be other possible meaning about this word '畜'......It was some kind of energy resource had ever been found by ancient people in somewhere in the dry desert land,......seemed like the oil field with bursting flames and heavy spiral dark clouds......Had it ever been another 'shining-sun' to the early humankind's civilization?......Was it another reason why '畜' was sounded like 'shù'?......

Actually the silk can be very minute and slim, even almost invisible, just like spider silk. So, the wireless transmitting system in communication might be another kind of Silk Road, that's why the third yao in this qua mentioned the Solar Storm with strong electromagnetic radiation might impact and interfere the wireless electrical transmission on the Earth.

"What are we thinking?......Why don't we focus our mind on this qua?......It's talking about savings or accumulating information for the possible judgements in our own life. What's the difference between '累積' and '積蓄'?......What's the difference between '累' and '畜'? "

"I see.......a seed......a small seed with its root silks seems like '累', and with its tiny branch or sprout seems like '畜'......It was a new fresh life as a live tree was just breaking out of the ground in struggling on the desert land......There would be a green land......There would be an oasis.......There would be a lot of oasis lands,......and the linking paths between those oasis lands would joint together,......and the travelers would be more busy on their ways......"

Finally, We found the original meaning of this Hanese pictogram word '畜' might be closer to ' small seed with fresh sprout', and the other word '累' might be more closed to 'land of oasis'.

"So, if we combined these two words together, they seemed like 'small seed land of oasis' or 'seedling land'. It might be also a 'station' or 'state' of the ancient Silk Road, and the linking system between those small oasis lands would be developed like a silky-net by those ancient merchants and travelers who tiredly strove to walk and move on the western desert lands near to the ancient China. That's why this pictogram word '累' had another meaning about 'tired'......"

"And......If you knew those kind and merciful ancient merchants and travelers, they might tell you a lot of wisdom about how to move, live and pass through those small and fresh oasis lands, stations or states on the desert of the Silk Road......" 

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

08. 比 010000 水地-坎坤 (Quarter 1-6)

吉原筮,元永貞,無咎。不寧方來,後夫凶。 -- 地上有水,水會比較地勢的高低而移動,會連結聚集成一處水源,也會分成數支水脈流動。這問題就像意識會連結成大而原始的意識、也會永續的偵察探索分析各種細節,這有什麼好意外的呢!高處的水如果不安寧、不安定而向低處移動,後勢會很凶猛,就像水壩放水時落下水來一樣。

初六:有孚比之,無咎。有孚盈缶,終來有它吉?/ 變卦水雷屯 -- 有訊息浮現時,就會接近去觀察、比較資訊的變化,這是人之常情,有什麼好奇怪的呢!難道要等訊息屯積浮現到如同水滿出罐的程度,纔要去正視那最終的結果嗎?

六二:比之自內,貞吉。/ 變卦坎為水 -- 水向自己在內的方向接近流動,地勢通常是外高內低,這是一般偵測觀察的結果。水會趨向下游移動,這是水的特性,意識流動的運行也是如此。

六三:比之匪人。/ 變卦水山蹇 -- 經過比較而發現,那種領域或境界不是一般人可以做到的,此時意識的流動運行就會停止,如同水流被地勢高的山脈阻擋一樣。水通常不會往高處流,只會往低處流,意識流動的停頓也是如此。

六四:外比之,貞吉。/ 變卦澤地萃 -- 水向外接近流動,通常是地勢內高外低,這是一般偵測觀察的結果。水會趨向低處、深處流動聚集,這是水的特性,意識流動的聚集也是如此。

九五:顯比。王用三驅,失前禽,邑人不誡吉。/ 變卦坤為地 -- 當水流乾枯之時,地形就會顯露出來,此時可以明顯的比較出地勢的高低。「腦神經網路」的運作,通常藉著「三識合一」的方式驅動,也就是顯意識、自我意識及潛意識的三識聯繫諧合運作,當感官機制趨近封閉、失去向前補捉資訊的能力時,中介的轉譯者就會沒有誡心的把過去收集到的資訊加以連結、合成,呈現出各種訊息。

上六:比之無首,凶。/ 變卦風地觀 -- 其實水流的方向不一定都和地勢有關,也有可能是風吹的關係。對於資訊變動的比較,如果沒有合理和客觀的觀察,這將會陷入凶險或不斷盤算而難以進展的處境。(P.S. 此處「無首」解為「無道」、「不合理」。)

"Why does the air go on blowing? Why does the water go on flowing?......Because the balance of the great nature is just proceeding......Micro-biotas knew it, they were the best long distance travelers on earth, even in the universe......They just followed the trend in the great nature, kept moving and settling, and without stopping......"

"Trend is basic on two parts, high or low, heavy or light, strong or weak, mass or less, hot or cold,......if you try to compare those two parts, it's not difficult to recognize......As you making comparison, there is always a pair of somethings.....or a 'bi' which sounded like a Hanese word '比'. "

"Actually, this Hanese word '比' was graphed as two persons nearing beside with each other in its ancient pictogram word, and seemed like one person massaged the other person's back."

"Really?......Maybe it was not massage,......it was some kind of encouraging."

"You mean,......One person encouraged or pushed the other person to do something?......"

"Yes!......If you had ever ridden a normal modern bicycle, you should know its rear wheel always pushes the front wheel through the linking chain,......Just like an old word in Hanese: 長江後浪推前浪 - The rear waves always push the front waves in Long River."

"How can you push the big turtle to move as your wills when you ride it?......Do you massage its back and transmit your messages by your fingers? "

"You are very smart, but a little bit stupid......Turtles have lived in the sea and earth for a very long time, they almost knew all of the languages in the sea, even some kinds of languages used by human beings......"

"It's not surprising to me!.......According to some discoveries in archaeology, ancient Yin-Shang people had been written their pictogram words to turtles......I think they had ever tried to talk with sea via turtles......But why?...... For communicating with another side of the sea far away from their shore?......Or with other living beings far away from their times?......"

"In Taiwanese, one kind of turtles which live in the water is called 'bi' or marked by a traditional Hanese word '鼈'......Except that, one kind of fishes which live in the deep sea and have two nearing eyes on the head is called '比目魚', I mean 'flatfish' or 'beside eyes fish'......"

"As a fish living in the deepest sea, it might not need eyes on its belly......"

''Eyes seems always be set at the best place for watching the concerned target or worried circumstance......Do you know why the normal human beings have two eyes on face and without a tail on hips?"

"They didn't need eyes or sensible organ behind their own back,.....because as they rest on the ground during their exploring journey, they sat together back beside back and used each other's eyes to watch their back view."

"That's why the ancient Hanese pictogram word about 'back' -'背' involved a symbol which graphed as two persons got close back beside back.....that symbol seems like '北' and sounds like 'bay'......I think it had a meaning about constructing a watching bay in a distance for the purpose of suitable security."

"During the daytime, they kept moving like the sign of 比; and during the night time, they rested like the sign of 北......They kept encouraging each other for going on exploring the great world at day, and went back to rest and guard their dwelling land from a distance at night."

"What did that watching bay look like? I think it might be a circle,......just like those circles which were moving and surrounding out of the Saturn planet......"

"So, why don't you try to talk and dance friendly with those mammals which surrounding the sea shore?......And ask your friends to stop catching them for meals, all of them had ever been humankind's guards and friends,......old birds knew."

"Birds?......They knew the knowledge about 比? Is that why they could fly together in good order, and is that why the word 'bird' also involved 'bi'?......"

"Knowledge is some kind of bridge,......bridge of minds,......bridge of new age and old age,......bridge of now and then,......bridge of mountain and sea,......and is a changeable aquatic bridge on the beach......"

"Yes!......Maybe there is not another place more suitable to describe this qua '比' than the beach.....It's a '比區'......I mean a border zone of 'bi'. Water bubbles and earth soil or sands compose together at here, what are they composing about?......What are they sounding about?......What are they comparing about?......And what are they making judgments about?......"


"Did the nature already get conclusion after they composing together?......And what the rules of comparisons were their judgements following?......"

"All I knew is,......the great nature has a power with four seasons to change the weather or climates. Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, they are close roommates in the greenhouse of the earth's weather. Their different characters were compared during the long years through the objective observation and then marked as '春, 夏, 秋, 冬' in Hanese words."

Sometimes I sat with E. back beside back on the beach and watched the night sky to count how many stars could be seen by our naked eyes..........有時候我們也在陽光下的沙灘上比賽誰跑得快, I mean,......sometimes we also ran and raced on the beach under the sunshine.

And then,.......I found 'beside' might have an old and original meaning about a Hanese compound words '比賽' which meant 'competition' and sounded like 'beesai', and it might be related to 'best'......That's why '比' was also regarded as 'the best friend'.

Actually I couldn't be able to see many stars in night sky without my glasses, sometimes I only could see that big and changeable moonlight, but as she telling me the great numbers that she had counted, I tried my best to search and watch,......then I told her,......I really saw a pair of twin stars, they were moving beside each other and dancing around the moonlight......

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

2013年9月27日 星期五

07. 師 000010 地水-坤坎 (Quarter 1-5)

貞,丈人吉,無咎。 -- 水面上有塊地,那就像個島嶼般的天然領域,或像是一艘舟船。一般偵測觀察的結果是,這樣的領域會自然形成一個讓眾人可以仰仗和連結的意識空間,這有什麼好意外的呢!月亮不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?地球不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?

初六:師出以律,否臧凶。/ 變卦地澤臨 -- 群眾集結外出行動,就像乘舟划船出海一樣,依靠的是藉以維持動力穩定進退的節奏定律,否則一旦面臨變化多端的環境,很容易陷入混亂凶險的處境。如同舟船行駛在陌生的汪洋大海上,太空船行駛在陌生的星海中,可能會面臨詭譎多變的風浪或氣候。(P.S.「師」字在古代也是群眾或隊伍人數的單位,據說 3000 多年前的殷商時期通常以 2500 人為一師。)

九二:在師中,吉,無咎,王三錫命。/ 變卦坤為地 -- 處在群眾之中,自然會和他人的意識進行連結,這有什麼好奇怪的呢!在這個時候,從事有關顯意識、自我意識及潛意識之三識合一的腦神經網路連繫多工作業就像天賜的命運一樣啊!(P.S. 漢字文化的舞龍舞獅傳統民間慶典活動中,「王」字通常被畫在獅頭面具的額頭上,其原始的本意很可能是象徵「三識合一的腦神經網路」或「多工作業的腦神經網路」,似乎相當於 English 中的 web 或 weave 。)

六三:師或輿尸,凶。/ 變卦地風升 -- 群眾或許會抬著殭屍般不動的偶像作為崇拜的對象,那意味著沒有人可以確實憑藉自己的心智能力爬升、成為群眾的導師,這樣的情況往往會使事關群體的決定有所遲疑、行動也變的斷斷續續,面臨凶險的處境時也可能應變不及。不過,也許真正的導師是不會高高在上的自吹自擂啊!

六四:師左次,無咎。/ 變卦雷水解 -- 群眾集結行動時,能有導師從旁輔佐,幫助大家循序漸進的辨別徵象、解決問題、尋找出路,這樣是不錯的。

六五:田有禽,利執言,無咎。長子帥師,弟子輿尸,貞凶。/ 變卦坎為水 -- 就像在田野中有所擒獲,能夠用銳利敏感的陣列式偵測網或精密雷達來捕捉各種訊息,這樣是不錯的。長子擔任率領群眾的導師,弟子則遙控那被命名爲殭屍的波動偵測儀器載具,這樣可以偵察前進的狀況是否有凶險。如同乘船行進時,經由長短水波的波動訊號感應來以小見大。

上六:大君有命,開國承家,小人勿用。/ 變卦山水蒙 -- 領導眾人的導師也有成為大君的命運,得以開創一個穩固的未來、得以承擔一門專家的事業。當大多數人都矇眛無知之時,即使是少數人,甚至是少數聰慧的小孩,甚至是一部小小的行動計算機,也會若有若無的對群體產生至關命運的作用。

"The great sea is a group consciousness,......bears knew. They knew that catching some fishes couldn't change the mind of the great sea."

"All I knew is:......In the very old ancient time, many original humankind's civilizations were developed from some great islands or mountain circles,.......or might be some planets......They left many mysterious signs on the grounds or under the sea water,.......just like Stonehenge."

"I think that's why the Bible had been written: God created a Paradise for the first humankind - Adam and Eve, then after a period of time, they started to explore the great world and extend the humankind's living beings......"

"Let's focus on this qua - 師, 師 meant a group or crowd in well order which was consisted by about twenty five thousands members in ancient time, and this word 師 is also related to some other Hanese words: 獅, lion; 篩, severely choose; 帥, leading or guiding master,........and teacher, preacher or someone with some kind of sophisticated skill are also called 師 in Hanese culture."

"師 sounded like 'shi'. According to the image of this pictogram word, 師 just like an obvious long cloth or long flag which was moving fast in front of all members of the following group, then you can imagine those following people might run for it and be afraid of being left behind."

"Ha-ha!.....I see!.......God left after creating the Paradise for Adam and Eve, and might be going on discovering and creating the other new worlds, so God also created a teacher or 師 or 'shi' for them. That's why that snake in the Genesis chapters of the Bible was sounded like 蛇 or 'shé' in a kind of Hanese......"

"There were not many differences between the imagination of snake and long-dragon in the early ancient Hanese culture. I think that's the reason why the word '師' involved a symbol of long cloth or long flag - 巾, and the pictogram word about long-dragon '龍' is also sounded like 'long'."

"I guess,......in fact,......what the God left might be a very long and bright smoking clouds which was projected from its space ship in the sky as it was leaving earth......."

"Maybe God had tried to keep humankind's life longer enough before coming back again in future, so allowed humans to eat the fruits of Life Tree. But why that snake taught Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit of the second Knowledge Tree?"

"I suppose the second tree was not a Knowledge Tree, it was a Worship Tree,......because of some words in this qua were written to mention some kind of severe worship which the author of 易經 had been worried about. As a knowledge fruit losing the news or losing renewing, it would become a worship fruit and reduce the growth of eater's mind. Maybe that's why God didn't like they eat the fruits of the second Knowledge Tree in Paradise before coming back and renewing it."

"Maybe during that time, their interlink with outer space was lost......Maybe it's nonsense and wasting time for arguing with each other on any fruit of a losing renewing Knowledge Tree......."

"As you arguing with the other one, both of your minds will connect together on a subject, that's why the couples were allowed to get into Noah's Ark before great flooding time in the Genesis chapters of the Bible, then if you wish someone to judge for you,.......after a long time, that one,......even a short and small single snake, even a simple word or computer or calculator might become the target of your worship."

"However, I think no one should blame that snake in the Paradise, because it liked the fruits of the second Knowledge Tree instinctively, it might just suggest the most delicious fruits that it had ever tasted before to Adam and Eve......."

"Bible just like a mind-ship, it talked about 'bi', about the mind of the biological couples, seemed like 易經 which was basic on a couple symbols - 陰 and 陽, also related to shadow and light, hiding and exposing........But it was not used for worship in the beginning."

"Ants gathered on a ship like leaf above the flowing water. Couples gathered on Noah's Ark during the great flood time, that's why the word 'relationship' involved 'ship'. A ship just like a moving land on the water, the individual consciousnesses will gradually joint together and the group consciousness will be gradually formed....."

"Forming a 'shi',....a '師' on a ship?......What a mysterious word! This Hanese word '師' might be more close to the English word 'ship',......and 'boat' might be more close to '保',......I mean 'protect'....."

"But.....there is no ship big enough to carry all living beings on earth, how did Noah pick those living beings to get into his Ark? I suppose he might try to choose and follow the biological multiple principle."

"How about the flowing water on the ground? It will compare the heights of grounds and recognize the trends of land slope,......move from a higher place to a lower place. Group's consciousness just like the water on the ground which has a moving trend, it will move from lower profit place to higher profit place. That's why there was an old wisdom words in Hanese culture: 人往高處爬, 水往低處流......"

"As you climb up to the highest place, actually there is not enough space to let all of the group members stand stably, just like the top point of the pyramid. That's why comparing and choosing will happen, or the group's consciousness might face an unavoidable disjointing situation......."


"You know,......I'm not Noah......How can I choose myself and keep staying on the top of the mountain? How can I choose someones from the whole group which followed me for a long time?......At last, I decided to leave and go down from there by myself alone,......then I met you in here very fortunately......"

"Oh!.........Unfortunately! I did not prepare a ship for you, and before you getting the knowledge of making a good deal with big turtle, I suppose you have no way to ride it."

"I think......I can make a ship by myself, I had read some books about the technology of building the ship,......it's not very difficult.....I just need some woods and ropes,......maybe some wax or plastic and cloth,......but the weird sea,.......I'm not sure!......I really don't understand!.........Even the most great ship Titanic had been sunk to the deep sea in history...... "

"You know,......Pace and Till just like a pair of twin, space is created by paces, still is created by the tills. Between I and E, between 'in' and 'ex', between inner consciousness of limited space and outer consciousness of extreme awareness........All you should do is carefully listening to the clear messages coming from the whole universe, including the world of your mind and spirits. Then your body will tell you how to move and speak......"

"I know,.....I can't sway in the waving sea water and try to find a way as a swan gently swimming in the lake.......Is that what you are trying to tell me?.......I will do it in my way, which person likes to be compared with the other person?......."

"Maybe what you really want on here is not a ship, but a shop,......a store with glass showcase......"

I spent much time to talk with Mermaid E. about 易經, even painted on beach sands by our fingers......灘沙上的足印和指跡,隨著潮汐的升降,不多時也糢糊了蹤影,如同被浪沫抹去的記憶,又似被風吹散的塵煙,而此時仍不減談話的興致,總覺得意猷未盡......有些的是說不出的餘音、嗅不出的氣味、看不清的光影......遠遠望去的是海上漸層的波潾,消失在一線糢糊的界限,不知她眼中的山川大地,是否也消失在一聳糢糊的極點......

Sometimes I felt E. teach me something, but something already existed in my mind......Some of the paintings on the sands,......we painted together,......tried to understand both of our meanings,.........just like rough sketches........As the sea water waving over the beach,......day after day,......those paintings were almost disappeared.........

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

2013年9月26日 星期四

06. 訟 111010 天水-乾坎 (Quarter 1-4)

有孚窒惕中吉,終凶,利見大人,不利涉大川。 -- 水氣會蒸發、往天上飄浮而停滯在天空中凝結、變成雲霧。雲霧不斷累積,最終也會從天空降下凶狠強勢的大雨,使得流水跟著暴漲、造成地域深水分隔,這是大人或一般的成年人、大多數人都明顯可見的事。不容易的是,在發生意識衝突的爭執訴訟之時,要怎麼涉過深水、渡過大河,要怎麼去和異地的人交涉溝通啊!

初六:不永所事,小有言,終吉。/ 變卦天澤履 -- 不能長久永續的去做一件事,通常是因為心中沒有浮現出想像的成果、感到美好的未來遙遙無期而失去耐心,於是受到一點信心的打擊就敲退堂鼓了。積沙成塔、澤水起風,引發雙方衝突的言論也是如此,就像微小的水氣經過壘積之後,最終會凝結成強烈的風波、浮顯出巨大的沖激和變化。意識的協調和爭執的化解不能太急燥,要步步爲營、通情達理啊!

九二:不克訟,歸而逋,其邑人三百戶,無眚。/ 變卦天地否 -- 如果衝突還不到非進行訴訟不可的程度,還是心平氣和、不動聲色的化解爭執比較好。因為,在訴訟的時候還得依靠中介的轉譯者處理大量的資訊。天在上、地在下,當天地發生爭執、互相否定對方、彼此漸行漸遠,苦的是奔命於天地之間的人哪!這情勢還不夠明顯嗎?[P.S. 此處「邑人」不是一般的「國人」之意,而是「中介的轉譯者」(inter-translator) 或「詮釋者」等資訊處理者的意思,也可以說是「譯人」。「三百戶」則是代表「很多門類」或「許多科目」。]

六三:食舊德,貞厲,終吉,或從王事,無成。/ 變卦天風姤 -- 攝取和過去風俗習慣有關的資訊,接納外界新奇事物的刺激、對外進行小心謹慎的偵察和探索,最終一定會有好的結果。把自己的領域開放一部份出來、縱容網路共享事業在其中發展連繫,不必要求自己佔有完全的成果。此時最應該觀注和照料的是:打好學業的基礎、穩固事業的根基啊!(P.S. 此處「從」解爲「縱容」,「王事」解爲「網路共享事業」。)

九四:不克訟,復即命,渝安,貞吉。/ 變卦風水渙 -- 如果雙方的衝突還不到非進行訴訟不可的程度,還是回復到各自的天命或專長的事情,安定各自的心情再跨界連繫、經過仔細的偵察再加以連結。精神渙散之時,不宜進行和訴訟有關的交涉或溝通啊!

九五:訟,元吉。/ 變卦火水未濟 -- 爭執訴訟總有勝訴的一方和沒勝訴的一方,不可能雙方都完全滿意。爭執訴訟的目的,其實是在交涉或溝通的過程中,讓雙方的意識達成互動連結、考慮到對方的感受,並且學會彼此協商或妥協。如果只是追求一己的滿意,那終將是無濟於事的!

上九:或錫之鞶帶,終朝三褫之。/ 變卦澤水困 -- 在訴訟的期間,那受到某個地域的賞賜、用銀白錫金飾和堅韌皮革製成、環繞佩戴在腰際、象徵公正威信和清白穩重的貴重腰帶,是在法庭中處理訴訟案件時的公定服裝配件,只有在休息、吃飯、上廁所的時候纔能解下來。一個早上的議程中,這負擔沉重的鞶帶在身上就穿穿脫脫了好幾次呢!處理訴訟可真是一件困難和麻煩的事情啊!(P.S. 此處「三」解爲「多次」。)

"About conflicting and judgement, what can I say?......That's a complex business,......not so funny. It's a public case of conferences, not private talking."

"Yes, I can see there is a meaning related to the 'public messages' in this Hanese pictogram word - 訟."

"訟 sounded like 'song', it might be related to a meaning of singing in public long time ago, just like some protest singers sing in the pub, but that might be an uncertain ancient history."

"公 sounded like 'gong', it has a meaning about 'public'. 言 sounded like 'yian', it has a meaning about 'message'.......Then I suppose the earliest public messages in humankind's civilization were hidden in some popular songs which were sung by some protest singers in public places before the sonata and the senate,......and they were talking about the balance of basic requirements.......for all living beings."

"But......how to keep balance with two sides in the argument?......Look the still water, it always keeps balance on the ground of the earth, that's why Hanese also called 'standard' as 水準 or 水平."

"I see......this qua's sign is consisted by 天 and 水, that means it's talking about 天平 or 天秤,........about scales or the libra, isn't it?"

"Rain water falls down from the sky, and it will also become the steam air and go back to the sky, it's a natural circulation, also a natural balance."

"All the livings need air and water, the nature freely supply air and water to everyone without any charging. If no air, I even cannot talk with you,.......then how can I argue with the other one? If no water, I even cannot know what is the balance,.......then how can I make a good judgment?........"

"Air and water have the ability to keep balance automatically on earth, higher density part of the air will move to lower density part of the air, higher level part of the water will move to lower level part of the water......."

"So, if you are rich in some things, you might spend a part of your welfare to exchange what you are lack of,.......that's the natural balance of the finance......"

"Balance just like a rolling ball on the ground, it can recognize where is higher and where is lower, then go to the lower place. Finance just like the distributing of the welfare, because 'fin' sounded like a Hanese word '分', and it has a meaning about distributing....."

"Actually maybe you can distribute many goods,......even the water for people, but how can you distribute the air for them?......."

"Not all things in the world can be distributed......or make a good judgment of balance, because something just like air, which cannot be divided or shared accurately......."

"Can you share my love with the other one?......."

"You must be a Goddess!......or an angel!......."

"No, I'm just a mermaid......I like sea water which sealed many secrets and I don't need much more air......"

"I don't, too......I had ever lived on the top of the mountain where is less air than the ground, but I still like clean and fresh rain water on the mountain........"

"I suppose there had ever been some inter-translators between us,.......from the mountain to the sea......."

"Look!.......There are many busy birds flying in the air and many nervous fishes swimming in the water,......and so on.......That's why we can closely and peacefully talk to each other at this moment......"

"But some litigation or lawsuit of the conflicting is hard to judge or resolve, just like the light air always go upward and heavy water always goes downward naturally......Then you might see they group together as crowds with their own leading master, and the possible conflicting is just beginning......... "


"Then, we might see the master's consciousness or the tight relationship group's consciousness will be gradually forming during the conflicting time in some humankind's early civilizations, but what will happen?......A horrible war of hot fighting?......or a peaceful deal between tight relationship groups?......."

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

05. 需 010111 水天-坎乾 (Quarter 1-3)

有孚光亨,貞吉,利涉大川。 -- 有水氣飄浮在天上,而且高處的陽光會透過它,那通常是薄薄的雲層,還不到降雨的程度。經過偵察的結果是:在這樣的狀況下,面寬水淺的大河川通常不會因為降雨而暴漲,是可以涉水渡河的時候。此時如果有什麼需求,也是進行交涉的好時機呢!

初九:需于郊,利用恆,無咎。/ 變卦水風井 -- 需求的東西如果是在城市郊外的遠處,疏通可以快速往來的運輸通路或是建立互通有無的轉運站是需要恆心的。就像鑿井接通地下水的工程一樣,需要耐心和恆心去長期經營啊!(P.S. 此處「于」解爲「在」或「於」,漢字「于」衍生出「在于」、「關于」、「源于」、「屬于」等語意,類似 English 中的 in, on, at 或 of, about 等介繫詞。)

九二:需于沙,小有言,終吉。/ 變卦水火既濟 -- 需求的如果像沙子一樣,雖然微小卻能有聲有色,並且會受到氣候影響而捉摸不定、可聚可散的到處流動,此時只要建立暢通的資訊管道,最終還是可以達成連結、滿足所需。

九三:需于泥,致寇至。/ 變卦水澤節 -- 需要的如果像泥巴一樣,帶有會讓人沉溺的性質,很容易讓意識受到侵擾和控制而滯礙沉迷於其中,這種需求就必須節制。(P.S. 此處「寇」解爲控制、侵入、干擾元神意識等含意。)

六四:需于血,出自穴。/ 變卦澤天夬 -- 需求的如果像身體需要暢流不阻的血液一樣,是日常生活裡不可欠缺的必需品,最好不要外求,要能自家出產及庫存纔是,否則一旦供給的來源中斷,有可能會立刻造成自身的潰決。

九五:需于酒食,貞吉。/ 變卦地天泰 -- 需求的如果是酒品和食品,要確保產地的乾淨品質、經過偵察檢驗、詳細過濾,這樣纔能安心無憂、處之泰然、放心的加以連結。

上六:入于穴,有不速之客三人來,敬之終吉。/ 變卦風天小畜 -- 需求的如果都已經納入自家的經營和庫存的積蓄,那也就沒有什麼對外的需求了。這時候,如果有很多人不請自來,那通常是因為迫於欠缺、有所需求纔來。要警覺防患,最終纔能妥當的加以連結,以免造成爭訟的混亂。(P.S. 漢字造字通常以三代表多數,此處「三人」意指「很多人」。)

"What do you need?"

"What should you need?......All you need is love,.....and....."

"I think this qua '需' was talking about the necessity or requirement,......they are the most important to the daily life......"

"Light, air, water and food, I think these are most necessary for everyone in the world,......then maybe you will have some other desires......"

"Do you see that word '需'?......It was graphed as a person under the falling rain in the early ancient time, and it sounds like 'should'......Not only human and animals need clean water, but all plants and micro-biota need......."


"Yes, I can imagine the rains were falling down on that person's shoulder from the word '需',......maybe that was one of the reasons why '需' sounded like 'should',.........then why the image of that person in this pictogram word became '而'?......I think it's related to 'ought' and 'urgent', because '而' sounded like 'ought' or 'urgent'......"

"What a mysterious word!......Both of  'should' and '需' might be created from the same concept of asking pure or clean water from the sky by some kind of loudly shouting originally, even involved dancing,...........but this qua also talked about more ways to get the clean water and the other living resources......"

"I had ever thought,......if I already got all I should need and won't be lacking of anything in the rest of my life,......then what will happen?......"

"You must be a rich farmer or skillful worker,.......a lord,......a king,......or a master......No matter what, you will be somebody with reliable shoulders......."


"After getting all you should need, even become a reliable rich person,......then how to share with other people?......How to supply and distribute the necessities?......How to make good judgements in possible disputing and debating?......"

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

2013年9月25日 星期三

04. 蒙 100010 山水-艮坎 (Quarter 1-2)

匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我,初筮告,再三瀆,瀆則不告,利貞。 -- 水氣蒸發往上騰,山頭一片霧濛濛。此時,可以遠眺四方的山頭就好像被遮住了眼睛,又像個矇眛幼稚、沒有遠見、懵懂無知的童子,只作著朦朦朧朧的春秋大夢,不知世間真相。不是我有求於懵懂無知的童子,是懵懂無知、求知心切的童子有求於我啊!剛開始我很樂意告訴他我曾經攝取的資訊和實際的經歷,但是同樣的事情他卻一問、再問、三問的,一副不太相信我的樣子,這讓我覺得信譽受到污蔑,所以就不想再回答他了。或許他真正需要的是:放下總是描寫著朦朧山水的畫筆、走出遮蔽雙眼的一頭霧水、用他自己銳利的感官去偵測、觀察和體會天下的萬事萬物啊![P.S. 此處「筮」字通過「ask = A四工 = AAAA工 = ΛㄧΛㄧΛㄧΛㄧ工 = Λ丨Λ丨Λ/Λ/工 = 个个人人工 = 竹巫 = 筮」的轉換而意通 ask (答之叩、答之求、言示求、疑釋求、知求,即類似「問」、「問求」、「求問」、「求知」、「求開示」、「求解釋」、「求解答」之類的意思)。]

初六:發蒙,利用刑人,用說桎梏,以往吝。/ 變卦山澤損 -- 撥開朦朧的霧水,霧水還是會合攏,在只能矇混的環境中努力是無濟於事的。讓感官的焦點銳利暢通的專注在一個有形的目標,或是可以作為模範的、典型的人。這樣精減資訊來源的作用是:脫離受困於無知的心靈枷鎖,遠離見識狹窄的矇眛處境。

九二:包蒙吉,納婦吉,子克家。/ 變卦山地剝 -- 如果把對朦朧事物的理解都懷抱在意識的連結中,就連對婦女心思的諒解都納入在意識的連結中,那麼原本矇眛無知的童子將會脫胎換骨、克服感官意識被先天環境層層剝削的困境,成為某種類型的專家、擁有自已的一片天地。

六三:勿用取女見,金夫不有躬,無攸利。/ 變卦山風蠱 -- 微小的作用往往可以在讓人感到有趣的女人身上發現,那種細膩的表情和微小的動作,甚至足以蠱惑人心的腔調,絕不是自視多金、孔武有力、不願意屈居於別人之下、從不彎腰求人的大丈夫可以學得來的。很多東西可不是一廂情願、悠悠哉哉的就能輕易獲得啊!(P.S.六三爻的爻辭承接前面二個爻的爻辭內容,似乎是發言者在批評一位剛剛認識的年輕人,所以在此改變一般坊間流傳易經版本的標點符號斷句方式。實際上,古代許多漢字文本是沒有標點符號的,因此後世的解讀者還得揣摩如何斷句纔能得到最接近原文含意的詮釋。在以下對《易經》文辭的解讀中可能還會有類似的情況,也就不再一一解釋為何採用不同的斷句方式了。)

六四:困蒙吝。/ 變卦火水未濟 -- 受困在自得其滿的曖眛情境中是無濟於事的,那只會讓自己的心智更矇眛、更狹窄,更看不到未來的真相啊!

六五:童蒙吉。/ 變卦風水渙 -- 其實在霧濛濛的山頭下方,就是風生氣爽、霧水渙散之處,可以看得更清晰、看得更遠。童子矇眛無知,要降低自視甚高的心態,讓一頭霧水的知覺感官對外連結啊!

上九:擊蒙,不利為寇,利禦寇。/ 變卦地水師 -- 直接動手打擊包圍在四周的矇眛,就像伸手去抓那飄緲難捉的霧氣,抓不到什麼東西啊!那只會讓感官意識糾纏在糢糊不清的處境中、擾亂自己的意識空間,不如隔空用敏感銳利的意識感官,間接的駕御和連繫這個矇眛的環境、防禦自己的意識空間免於受到干擾和控制吧!(P.S.此處「寇」解爲控制、干擾。)

"As you waiting and thinking about how to proceed and when to start before the next step, many ideas or messages might surround your mind just like day dreams....."

"Hanese called dream as 夢, its sound closed to 'moon' and 蒙, and 蒙 has some meanings related to covered or masked by grass,......that's why I always think the original moon might be a planet covered with a lot of grasses....."

"Maybe those coverages on the surface of the ancient moon were not grasses, but a layer of foggy lights looked like grasses,.......that's some kinds of symbolic description about monumental graves or dead spirits,.......even about monastic mind......."

"Can you see that moon in night sky?......It's not alone,......so many stars are its companies......Its light is more tender than sunlight,......that's why we can see those stars surround it......"

"You must be kidding me.....Everyone knows that moonlight is a part of sunlight.....The moon always reflects the light of the sun,.......It's just a big and cold round rolling rock with many potholes, just like a spongy ball covered with sands......"

"Not just that!.....Keep observing and thinking......The moon is not mono, it's absolutely not a monomania one from the beginning,......it was considered as a small broken piece near to earth in the great solar system,......it had ever tried to escape from the gravity of the sun, but also couldn't land on earth......"

"Why?......Why moon didn't land on the ground of the earth?..... "

"......Maybe it was too big to the earth......and unfortunately its living resources might be taken by gravity of the earth during that very early period of time as it was escaping from the sun's gravity and moving closer to earth......"

"......The earth is always early in living,.....and the moon is always lonely in living......Is that why the moon has another name called Luna......?"

"Sun was always solely,.....moon was always lonely,......stars were always staring,.....but the earth was the earliest one to earn and think for  living......That must be a long story in the beginning, isn't it?......"

"Something must still be left there,......something could not be taken by the gravity......No matter what, the earth got protection of air,......and......and might not only get from the moon......"


"So, what information or living resources are you earning for?......That's the most important issue of what should you need or require,.......and that's the way of direction about your discovering....."

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

03. 屯 010001 水雷-坎震 (Quarter 1-1)

元亨利貞,勿用有攸往,利建侯。 -- 流水之下有震動,一頓一頓的震動著,好像有什麼力量在水下作用、傳遞到水面來。此時,讓元神意識通暢銳利的偵察水面的變化,如果不能悠游自在的渡水前往,那就盡可能穩健自身的能力,然後等候適當的時機再出發吧!

初九:磐桓,利居貞,利建侯。/ 變卦水地比 -- 看著眼前微微震動的水面,內心徘徊著、盤算著,水下究竟是什麼東西在震動呢?是魚嗎?是蛇嗎?是龍嗎?......還是自己內心深處不安的欲念在兀自掙扎、惷惷欲動呢?......接近一些去觀察,用銳利的感官安靜的偵察水面的動靜、比較震動訊息的強弱變化,等候適當的時機再出發吧!

六二:屯如邅如,乘馬班如。匪寇!婚媾?女子貞不字,十年乃字。/ 變卦水澤節 -- 頓時,水面又是一陣一陣顫動......喔!不一定是水下的震動,也許是遠處的馬群奔騰、馬蹄蹬地的震波經由地面傳到水面引起的震動。如果不是意識衝突的互相干擾引起的躁動,會不會是戀愛邂遘的求婚追逐引起的騷動呢?......如果這水面的震動和待嫁的女子有關,從震動的微弱、節制來看,恐怕要經過十年她纔會在婚約上簽字答應婚事哪!(P.S.「匪」字在古代的本意可能是「一個區域中的非常態訊息」或「一個區域中刺激性較強的訊息」。「寇」字在這裡似乎有「控制或干擾意識空間」的意思。)

六三:即鹿無虞,惟入於林中。君子幾,不如舍,往吝。/ 變卦水火既濟 -- 追逐美麗的野鹿、節節逼近美麗的野鹿,不知不覺跟著野鹿進入樹影幢幢的森林中,那是頭角狀如樹枝、斑紋狀似葉影的野鹿藏身最好的地方。君子追求異地的女子,就像獵人追逐野鹿一般,此時衝動的想靠近對方,不如耐心等待她自願現身,繼續前進只會走入狹窄的困境,滿足不了心底隱約震動的慾望啊!(P.S. 此處「幾」有「近」的含意,例如「幾乎」即類似「近至」之意。)

六四:乘馬班如,求婚媾,往吉,無不利。/ 變卦澤雷隨 -- 水面上的震動是馬群奔騰、馬蹄蹬地的震波經由地面傳到水面引起的震動,那正是戀愛邂遘的求婚追逐引起的震動啊!......如果下定決心要和對方結合,那就勇敢的走到她面前、說出自己的心意,就算她不願意答應,對自己也沒什麼損失啊!......隨心所欲的傾吐心底的欲望吧!她可能正在等待你對她說出震撼人心的傾慕之語呢!

九五:屯其膏,小貞吉,大貞凶。/ 變卦地雷復 -- 震撼度太高,反而打草驚蛇般的嚇跑對方,偵測性、試探性的給對方一些可以恢復平息的、小小的震撼,達到彼此可以意識到對方、足以輕鬆連結的程度就好,驚天動地般太大的震撼和偵測試探只會讓對方以為你有凶惡的企圖,結果反而在她的心目中烙下不好的印象呢!

上六:乘馬班如,泣血漣如。/ 變卦風雷益 -- 震撼度過高時,就像馬群奔騰、馬蹄蹬地的震波經由地面傳到水面引起的激烈震動一般,水面都濺溢出許多漣漣的水珠,就連水面上的空氣都受到震動、刮起了一陣風。是風生水起好運來嗎?別高興的太早!也許是她被你嚇哭了,漣漣的淚水奪眶而出,就像傷到了心臟、噴出了血呢!

"When the water is waving,...... something is changing,......but you must wait and observe......until the waves become an obvious sign......As you are waiting, of course you might feel a bit tension in your mind,......then you must take the chance of making a good decision to start your auction at the best timing......"

"My dear!...... Do you know why the author of 易經 made an example of an experience of proposing marriage to explain the 屯卦?"

"I think this qua 屯 is related to the word - tension, and he or she might have ever felt stronger intention as falling in love with someone."

"That's very interesting, because the tone or vocal sound of the Hanese word '屯' is a little bit closed to the English word 'tension',...... and it involves the letter-shape 't' in English alphabet."

"Actually, I can see the symbol on the top of the word '屯' seems like another Hanese word '十', and '十' has a meaning related to 'number ten' at left part of the English word - tension."

"I suppose there were some mysterious translators between English and Hanese in ancient time......or they might come from another same planet, but separated to different lands on earth......"

"I suppose the original author of the 易經 might be a skillful deer hunter or just know those skillful deer hunters, because of some words in there also revealed something about hunting deers in the forest,......but finally he or she understood that forests belong to deers, and it was also a place for resting, not for tensing......"

"How would you love someone in a very tensing situation for a long time?......"

"As you fall in love with an innocent one,......or a day dreamer,......or a monomania one,......would you?"


"How to make a deal with my dear?.......There are many differences between each wave of sounds......If you didn't listen carefully, then you might lose more knowledge in the sounds that you were hearing......"

"Knowledge?......Why I need knowledge?......For making every decision in my life?......If I haven't sufficient knowledge, will I become a monomania one?......But......If I have too much knowledge, will I suffer my own mind?......"

"Maybe that's the reason why another word 'tender' was created......You find, seek, wait, try, test, taste,......as a tutor of yourself,.......and you will feel the time is started to exist......"

At that moment, I was almost hearing an old sweet love song sounded with winds on the beach, and tenderly waved the sea water:

Love me tender, Love me sweet, ..............................

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

02. 坤 000000 地地-坤坤 (Cumulus Field)

元亨利貞,利牝馬之貞,先迷後得主利,西南得朋,東北喪朋 -- 當自我意識置身在迷濛混雜的資訊環境中返樸歸真、重整思緒,就像牝馬一樣雖然走在前頭卻能身段柔軟並且顧全大局的進行偵察探索,剛開始有如身陷迷霧或迷宮之中,卻能逐漸理出頭緒。循序漸進而心平氣和的解開問題、面對問題,就能逐步和潛意識連結起來,使它成為朋友;但是如果用逃避排斥的心態去凍結問題、背對問題,則會喪失連結潛意識為助力的機會。(P.S. 日出於東而落於西,若考慮自然陽光日照及保持身體溫暖的因素,晨間由東邊的向陽坡上山而昃前向西邊的向陽坡下山應該是最佳的ㄧ日登山時程計劃,因爲這樣不論是上山還是下山,都可以走在山的向陽面。相對於乾卦的興發上進,坤卦更像是休養生息的下山過程,這也可能是「西南得朋,東北喪朋」這八個字隱涵的寓意。)

初六:履霜,堅冰至。/ 變卦地雷復 -- 冰凍三尺非一日之寒,自我意識僵化的公式化反應是導致無法處理潛意識中複雜資訊的原因,所以纔會因為發生一點變動或變異而感受到震盪或震驚的強烈影響,不過這也是理性的自我意識逐漸恢復柔軟彈性,並且和感性的潛意識重新建立連結的轉機。

六二:直、方、大,不習,無不利。/ 變卦地水師 -- 本能上,理性的自我意識會以過去養成的習慣,用直覺性高的、方法性強的、大而化之的態度和感性含糊的潛意識進行交流互動,此時原本僵化慣性的自我意識當然會感到不太習慣,但是不去和潛意識進行推理互動或擴大理性格局的連結溝通,心靈是不會增長獲益的。

六三:含章可貞,或從王事,無成有終。/ 變卦地山謙 -- 輕含自我意識既有的章法或原則去偵察探索潛意識發出的訊息,不要固守自我原本既存的道理,把自我意識的領域稍微開放一些來從事和現實面與潛意識之間的腦神經網路連結工作,保留一些糢糊的不確定空間,不求百分之百都完成,只求可以長久延續、邁向化解潛意識的終點目標。(P.S.此處「王」解為「网」或「網」,似乎相當於 English 中的 web 或 weave 。)

六四:括囊,無咎,無譽。/ 變卦雷地豫。-- 對於潛意識呈現的訊息要謹慎客觀的理解,掌握它概括的含意和要點,不須要一昧的錯怪它或糾正它,也不須要過度的讚譽它或表揚它。把夢境當作是一種把自我意識投入虛擬實境般充滿象徵性、影像感,甚至帶有震撼性的戲劇表演中,或是寓教於樂的休閒活動。

六五:黃裳元吉。/ 變卦水地比 -- 由於和感性的潛意識頻繁的互動交流,又懂得用如同金黃色稻穀般成熟光明的態度去修飾和化解潛意識發出的種種訊息,如同穿上成熟又合身的衣裳,此時自我意識就能逐漸走出困境和迷障,得以親密、朋比、貼心的和潛意識通暢如流水般的連結起來。

上六:龍戰于野,其血玄黃。/ 變卦山地剝 -- 當自我意識過度自信的以為完全了解所有潛意識發出的訊息之時,籠統含糊的訊息又會如同從遙遠的野外反彈般的襲捲而來,此時如果自我意識為了保守既成的金黃色稻穀般成熟光明的理想狀態,企圖像城池以溝洫和外界隔離而劃地自限,那就如同身體中的血液流通受阻,免不了會讓自身成熟光明的外表蒙上一層玄奧晦暗的感覺,但是面對自己的內心,仍然不得不剝除神秘高深的表相,露出空虛薄弱的本質。

用六:利永貞。 / 變卦乾為天 -- 自我意識經過上述與潛意識互動過程的經驗,通常會得到這樣的心得或見識:永遠保持天真好奇、光明磊落、悠游自在而不固執於一己偏見的態度,就能專注而永續的偵察探索莫測諱深有如江湖海洋般的潛意識,順應實實虛虛變化萬千的世界了。

"You know......In Taiwanese, 坤 sounds like 睏, that points a character of 坤: it's not standing, but lying ......because sometimes the body or mind would be tired of catching more information,......just likes the human's normal situation of sleeping or dreaming......or stays in an enclosed labyrinth or maze space......"

"What's the issue about 坤?"

"The issue of 坤 is how to find the exit way to get out of the dream world or virtual reality,......and get a real waking and releasing,......also get recovery from the mess and tired situation......"

"無獨有偶的是,「聖經」(Holy Bible) 中繼「創世記」(Genesis) 之後的「出埃及記」(Exodus) 也描述了一段摩西 (Moses) 率領受困的以色列人 (Israelites) 從埃及 (Egypt) 出走的故事。"

"......As a tree growing up from the ground and pointing its trunk's top to the sky, it's also spreading its branches and leaves for catching the useful living resources and information......"

"So, 坤 has some meanings about extending from the earth or soils, too.....Just likes a tree's growing,......after its seed or root find a way to break out of the ground, it will keep detecting the world from the surrounding circumstance of its site and keep developing its lively evergreen life......"

"What you say let me feel that 乾坤 seem like a living tree,......not just an enclosed space......And to the world of words, is it a language tree?......The third tree in the Bible, but lost in the early ancient time?.......Will we find that third tree or its seed again?......Is it still existing in the 易經?"

"I think it should be,......because '易' has a meaning about exchanging,......about interaction,......and about interpretation or translation........"

"......But......what the third tree looks like?......Is it a giant tree?......A tree with mysterious language fruits?......Is it still growing?......And what time is the time that we can start to find it?......"


"Are you ready to find that lost tree in the Holy Bible?......The third tree?......."

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

01. 乾 111111 天天-乾乾 (Sky Axis)

元亨利貞。 -- 陽光普照的大白天裡,人體感官通常比較開放敏銳,潛意識的訊息也不容易顯現出來,所以意識或元神會完全亨通、通暢、興致勃勃而銳利敏感的專注在偵測或觀察的行為上。也就是說,此時意識會把精神完全投注在觀察各種外在環境的現象,如同天真的小孩一般,處在還未形成意識分解的精神狀態,心智上也沒有現實和夢境的分野或區劃。

初九:潛龍勿用。/ 變卦天風姤 -- 經過一段時間以後,由於理性的感官系統辨識能力的侷限或疏忽,有些比較細微或忽略的訊息和意念就堆積在內心深處的潛意識中。於是,有時候潛意識就會開始產生訊息回溯、出現一些像龍一樣的虛擬物質或是籠統含糊、難以理解的訊息,如同睡夢中令人百思不解的夢境。此時,潛意識對於心智運作的影響只有表面的、微弱的作用,就像感覺到空氣中有一點微風、池子裡出現一層沉積的薄垢,也讓個體產生了自我意識。

九二:見龍在田,利見大人。/ 變卦天火同人 -- 逐漸的,自我意識的存在感如同形成植物種子一樣更加強化,也開始能像農人整理田地一般的理解潛意識發出的籠統混雜的訊息,於是逐漸感受到大人、成年人或大眾的心境,也就是大多數人的內心其實都存在著一個積壓著許多未經處理的訊息的潛意識資訊庫,其中包含各種潛在的欲念、渴望、憂慮、驚恐等等超出理性的感官系統可以感知的細微資訊或是自我意識忽略的意念情緒,明白了現實和夢境的分野,並且產生了同理心或同情心。

九三:君子終日乾乾,夕惕若厲,無咎。/ 變卦天澤履 -- 就這樣,君子一天又一天連續不斷的記錄觀察和知覺外在現實的事物,晚上睡覺時內心的潛意識又藉著夢境產生各種回溯的訊息,於是在這種現實和夢境的交相刺激之下,自我意識就如同植物受到陽光和澤水的刺激和潤澤而逐漸生長發芽,心智的運轉也開始加速進行,形成某種輔助現實意識行動的、自圓其說的道理或思維,對於陌生含糊的訊息也比較不會隨便錯怪或大驚小怪。

九四:或躍在淵,無咎。/ 變卦風天小畜 -- 當自我意識對於潛意識發出的訊息有了一定程度的認識,也對感性層面的訊息積蓄了更多清楚理解的心得,於是潛意識裡的訊息就像深淵裡混濁的水流蒸發出風動的氣流,心智的運作也躍昇到更高的層面,對於陌生含糊的訊息也會更加寬容,不會隨便錯怪,也不會少見多怪或隔絕於外。

九五:飛龍在天,利見大人。/ 變卦火天大有 -- 自我意識終於能充分兼顧情理,就算含糊籠統的訊息從天外飛來,仍然心中有數、不憂不懼、通情達理,也能透徹的感受到大人,即一般的成年人或大眾的心境,甚至可以把這些訊息轉變成像太陽火熱的天然能量一般有用的資源,實現自我的理想。

上九:亢龍有悔。/ 變卦澤天夬 -- 夢想的實現達到了最高點,也就變成了現實的一部份。此時,如果受困於自己創造出來的現實而不知變通,自然會感到作繭自縛、自陷困境、悔不當初,自我意識甚至可能會因此而像水庫決堤一樣的瀕臨崩潰的處境。

用九:見群龍無首,吉。/變卦坤為地 -- 通常,當自我意識崩潰之後,心智在處理資訊時就失去了理性和秩序,於是潛意識籠統含糊的感性訊息便會充滿全身,形成一種有待意識重組的、類似無厘頭的混亂局面。不過這樣的結果,通常也是心智再度躍昇成長的轉機、對外連結解困的機會,而自我意識也會從僵硬的機械性公式化運作變得像大地上的土壤一樣更加柔軟、更加有彈性。

Why the water in the sea keeps many secrets?......For creation?.......Or for recreation?......I think Mermaid E. know more than me......

"I feel these old pictogram words in 乾卦 was talking about Curiosity, Interest, Activity and Gathering or Addiction......"

"In Taiwanese, 乾 sounds like 胗, and 胗 sounds like 'gen'......What is 胗? It's chicken's stomach,.....and chicken is sounded 'ge' in Taiwanese........That means 乾 just like a food gathering organ.....or a message-gathering character......."

"Coincidentally the first book in the Bible is just Genesis which involved 'gen', so do the hereditary code 'gene'......"

"If you had ever seen the candy-floss with a slender stick, then you might imagine the character of 乾 and how the space of I.E. is created.......乾 is getting and getting,......getting more and more links with others and everything else......until the self-consciousness of its mind loses itself,......even crashes....."

"乾 not only creates its own rich space, but also creates a labyrinth or maze world of itself......That's why human body's intestines which belongs to the rear part of the digestive system or gastrointestinal seems like a labyrinth......"

"Actually the right part '乞' of this word '乾' was graphed like '气' and involved the symbol '彡', it had the meaning of moving air or the character of flowing gas. Air and gas could easily move and mix together, that's why 乾 was able to gather the messages speedily and also easily to  become a bungle of complete mess." 


"Maybe we should have some researching about what can be eaten....and what cannot be eaten.......It's the question about meal,.....about choosing and cooking food for the healthy body,......and the feeding of messages to the balanced mind...."

"How?......If you feel tired,.....that means you should get slowly in catching information and have some rest or sleep,......to let your mind feel easy and have sufficient time for re-organizing the messages which your sense organs of the body had input before......"

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

2013年9月23日 星期一

易經補帖 -- Plus Page for The I.E. Scripture

1. 三易之謎




「歸藏」以潛意識為靈感發掘的主要對象,是充滿決斷內省和創意幻想的神靈信仰文化。表現在龜噬占卜、祭祖、神獸紋飾的青銅器物等。可能因為大水退去以後, 人們再度恢復快速的交流和通商,資訊也跟着變得愈來愈多,甚至複雜到他們難以處理或決定的程度,結果呢..................為了找方向, 或是找結論,於是尋求一種方法.............


The question is .............There is an old word: "Rome wasn't built in one day."......三易可能也不是一天就失傳或寫就的。

那意味著,後來流傳的周易,可能就是原本的《易經》逐漸演變的結果呢!.......那麼,現在的易又會變成什麼呢?......難道古人沒想過嗎?......為何三易之後就沒了呢?......是因為三易演變出萬易嗎?................或許,那將會是你自己演譯出來的故事......Maybe that will be your own interpretative story of I.E. ............

也就是說,「連山易」也可能是語言交換的開始,所以是 linguistic exchanging lesson 之始,多 listen 就多 exchange;「歸藏易」則因應資訊的複雜,想猜測歸納找出隱藏在萬象背後的上帝意志,是 guessing the invisible things 之始;「周易」則是科學思想的啟蒙,理性判斷的 rational judgement 之始。然後,後世可能就混合上述三者,演變出萬易,就是人人心裡可能都有ㄧ本自己的易法。

2. 善易者不占

古人有所謂 「善易者不占」的說法,意思就是擅於和變化共處的人是不會去占卜的,也就是不會去佔據某個人為劃分的位置。善易者先天下之變而變,那就根本不需要去占卜了。



3. 生命躍進的系統




古代用「六十甲子」來計時,而《易經》有六十四卦,比六十甲子多了四個時間刻度,那四個時間刻度就是《易經》最前面的兩卦「乾」與「坤」和最後面的兩卦「既濟」與「未濟」。「乾、坤」兩卦就是「易經時空」的入口,「既濟、未濟」兩卦則是「易經時空」的出口。不過,明眼人一定可以看出一個端倪,為何只有「乾、 坤」兩卦有「用爻」而其他的卦都沒有呢? ⋯⋯真正的時空出入口究竟隱藏在哪裡呢? ......或許這是一個耐人尋味的問題吧!



P.S.相關文章:易的故事-The Story of I.E. 

Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

00.4. Aquatic Way

A book just likes a pool,.....a pool of words and symbols to let your mind swim in there,......but so many books are very complex and thick, even contain appendix or reference or annotation which linked to the other sources of knowledge and information out of the book's pages,.....that might let you feel where your mind stay is not just a pool, but a deep sea.

So,......I had a question to myself before writing The Story of I.E., that is.......what I write will be a pool or will be the sea?.......Or just a beach wave,.....a waw?.............

I even took that waw's sloped as the reference to build the roof of the poolside villa house...........That meant....there will not be a pool or sea,......but a waw,................a waw between I and E.

"How to prove?"

"Look that poolside roof,.....that's a proof......"

【附圖:ㄧ個切面作畫有關其關係間中於海洋和濱海區和泊池和別墅房屋位于那初現的景像於開启於正曰于「易的故事」 】

That small poolside roof was connected with the roof of big villa house,.......just liked a small mountain linked with a big mountain,.......but not real mountain,.........it's a waw mountain,.........it's a eaves,.......also a shelter......

"I remember there was a big bookshelf in the reading room of my castle, it looked like a building beside a wall......As matter of fact, so many buildings in the world looked like giant bookshelf,........and when you open a book, just like making a little wave in your mind.......or someone's mind........"

"The shape of an opening book was designed as a wave,......that's its archetype,........and from another side,......it seemed like a bird with two wings........"

"......But to read is not equal to real, because of the book was made for looking,......looking for something,......some information or messages........"

"......Read and search......to research......."

"So, if I live in search, I will feel that search is a sear-i-ch,.....a rich sea,..........then I will feel myself become a small one in that rich sea......"

".......Then.....follow this logic,......I also live in link,......and will I feel myself become a little drop of ink?........."

"If book is a pool, then the words just like the water.................The empty book with no word just like the empty pool with no water......"

"Then......maybe you will find, so many waws in the book,......word and word,.....words and words,......they might become wide-waws,......wide-waws idiom,......wisdom........"

"So,......what is a qua in 易經?"

"......a qua.....aqua.....Is it water, too?"

"I think the ancient author of 易經 use different signs according to the water waves which related to the ink of writing for organizing and showing different kinds of information......That's why it involved many quas,......I mean 卦......."

"And from this Hanese word-symbol of 卦 which involves some meanings of piling up or additive soils..... You know,......the qua is absolutely not just a water wave, but a soil wave or sand wave, too ........That means, the qua is a beach wave.....a wave consisted of water and soils or sands,.....seems like the ink......"

"Sometimes I feel English words seem like water waves.....and Hanese words look like soil pads,..........when you combine them together, it may become a beach wave,.....a waw,.....or a qua,......and create an Aquatic Way......"

"So,......The Story of I.E. will not be a pool of idioms.....and not an Adam's Pool or Adam's Garden, it's a part of a waw,......include possible events coming from the sea waves,........from the evening waves of the sea,.....and from Eve's Sea or Eve's Dream......"

At that moment, the sounds of an old Taiwanese folk song came from my mind............高山青,澗水藍......阿里山的姑娘美如水呀,阿里山的少年壯如山.......啊.......啊......阿里山的姑娘美如水呀,阿里山的少年壯如山.......高山常青,澗水常藍.......姑娘和那少年永不分呀......碧水常圍著青山轉.................

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

00.3. Beach Waw

"011......淺處有 0,深處多 1......那麼,近處有什麼?遠處多什麼?............"

"You think you know the sea more than me?........Why you always try to look from the sight of my side?"

I think this is a bug in thought, because if 以左上右下來看 011, 並且把海視為 011..........那麽........可能會覺得淺處有 0,深處多 1,這是從淺處的海岸上看海得到的心得。

這麼一來,011 的右邊就成了遠海,而左邊則成了近海.........Then...海的近處有 0, 海的遠處多 1.......Then.....you might say 海的遠處是多 1 的深海 and 海的近處是有 0 的淺海........

But, the symbol "011" came from the ancient symbol in 易經.....When you look that original symbol as it is painted on a paper and placed on a desk in front of your eyes.....Which is more near from you?......The deeper one?......Right?......So you will find.....海的近處是深海 and 海的遠處是淺海.........Then you might say......海的近處是多 1 的深海 and 海的遠處是有 0 的淺海......

【附圖:《易經》之兌卦 (011) 的卦象,二個「兌卦」相重爲 011011 時即「澤卦」。】

"Why the conclusion was changed after translating?........"

"......Why you built a pool seems like 海的近處深 and 海的遠處淺......?"

"......The pool is smaller than the sea sea,......but this is not a normal pool,......it's connected with sea......for you.....and for me.......I don't know where is the ending shore of the sea,.....but this pool,......near to land.....and near to the sea,......and built on the beach,....... It's not a real sea at all........."

"SEA.....BEACH......REAL........E. Live in there........"

"......And this sea......beach......real,.......too small to you, right?.......This is about words........"

"......A pool of words?........"

".......Not at all..........Because......I'm trying to think what is a pool,........sometimes the words are poor to describe it......"

"I have a sketch for you,......can you imagine?......"

That was a simple section drawing drawn by.............yesterday.....and......what day is today?.......I'm not sure I can totally understand that sketch,......but that section drawing took me to a seaside.......with the clear scene I had ever seen......in my dream?......

【附圖:A section drawing about the relations between the sea and beach and pool and villa house of the first scenes in the beginning of The Story of I.E..

The edge between sea and pool seemed like a wave,.......a peaceful wave,........but not sea wave.....It was a beach wave,.......smooth beach waw......

"............wawawawawawawa.........waw....waw....waw...waw....,,waw.....waw......waw...waw......waw.......waw..waw..waw......wawwawa...........Can you feel that?......不知你以為然否?"

"Do you know what is a wave?......w across.......and become v on earth............"

"Do you mean......water waves move across sea and landing on earth, then become water vave?........"

"Why you modify my word?......That's water babe......Water with life.........Water carry life........"

"I had ever heard......turtle carry life........and landing on the beach......."

Now I almost understand why she picked those small rocks from the sea and put them on the edge of the pool,.......and why I built the pool by rocks and sands and soils and something from the land.

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio