2013年10月5日 星期六

26. 大畜 100111 山天-艮乾 (Quarter 2-9)

利貞,不家食,吉,利涉大川。-- 為了擴大實証資訊的收集範圍、外出進行觀察銳利的偵測,常常專心工作到忘了回家吃飯,卻因為得到新的見識而歡喜不已,一心只想跨越知識的鴻溝,讓心智邁向更廣大、更充實的空間。

初九:有厲,利已。/ 變卦山風蠱 -- 激勵自己去探索收集更多實際驗証的資訊!因為,許多如夢似幻的瘋言妄語,只不過是為了特定利益所作的宣傳而已。如果可以親自接觸、詳細體驗,就不會受到一面之詞的矇蔽和既得利益的蠱惑。

九二:輿說輻。/ 變卦山火賁 -- 山裡炙熱的火焰可以焚化土壤成灰燼、熔化玉石為岩漿。輿道車軌可能在炎熱的日子裡受到陽光高溫烘烤而膨脹、扭曲、變形,於是和車輪的輪輻產生偏差,以致於造成行進車輛發生脫軌的意外。道理如果沒有考慮環境和氣候的變遷、沒有經過模擬實際狀況的檢測,就可能脫離現實、出現問題、不能長久保持觀念的正確。問題拖延不解決、誤差缺陷被掩飾,就可能造成實際運作時失敗的隱患。

九三:良馬逐,利艱貞?曰!閑輿衛,利有攸往。/ 變卦山澤損 -- 騎上配備精良的馬匹、攜帶製作精密的器材去追逐觀察的目標,這樣就有利於觀察那些很難偵測的事物嗎?唉!還不如放鬆自我銳氣過度的企圖心和防衛心,因地制宜、順應自然環境的變化來進行觀察吧!觀察與被觀察其實是一體兩面、兩相情願的事情啊!

六四:童牛之牿,元吉。/ 變卦火天大有 -- 童齡的小牛也會在畜牧場上精神充沛、充滿歡喜的哞叫奔跑追逐。採用範圍大、面積廣的自然生態園區來畜養土生土長的野生動物,模擬牠們原本生存的廣大空間,這樣纔能滿足牠們喜歡在大地上自在活動的天真習性。同時,還要兼顧「生物多樣性」(Biological Diversity) 的生態環境,讓這裡成為各種動物共存共生共享的野生動物園、一座大有來頭的野生動物大都會。

六五:豶豕之牙,吉。/ 變卦風天小畜 -- 野豬的斑紋和長牙可不是裝飾用的,是為了防禦或攻擊而演化出來的結果,這也顯示出牠們在原始的生存環境中經常要面對競逐和衝突,也會自然形成物以類聚的小規模群居現象,如同生風的水氣會在天空中聚集成雲朵。

上九:何天之衢,亨。/ 變卦地天泰 -- 採用荷葉花莖般聳立的支撐結構,以騰空高架而四通八達的天橋路網作為人員進入自然生態園區及野生動物保護區的通道,並且佈置好警報監視系統,這樣不但能安全順利、泰然自如的在其中觀察野生動植物的生態活動,也可以避免過度干擾自然生態環境。

"Do you remember the ninth qua - 小畜 had ever talked about a small oasis land?"

"Yes, I do,..... and I think this qua - 大畜 must be talking about the very great green land, because of it might be a big oasis land!......."

"It seemed like a natural park or wild zoo, which was sited out of the city border, just like the great area of national park had been zoned by the national government."

"You mean, the ancient people already had the concept to make the zoning of an ecological area on their land-use planning and tried to keep the biological diversity in those natural parks or wild zoos...... Why they wanted to preserve the natural land?....."

"Based on last qua, they might simply try to get more and more knowledge or natural laws in the natural land which was minimally bothered and invaded by humankind's subjective cultivation."

"That's the reason why there were some words in last yao described the area of those preserved lands were very large and constructed the netting pathways highly above the ground for observing and touring."

"From the significant image of this qua, do you feel it might be also a great green room? A giant indoor space? Or a big space station out of the Earth?......."

"100 above 111, mountain above the sky,....... a sky-dome? It could be a great dome space, even a virtual space......."

"A virtual space for raising the virtual animals and virtual plants? It's really suitable for saving a lot of space in the real world......"

"Yes! If those ancient ecologist only wanted to get knowledge from the nature, why didn't they construct a digital virtual space and input all the information and variable factors which they had already collected from the natural world, then simulated the natural world in their computer for calculating the possible change of the self-running ecological system?....... Just like some stimulative computer games......."

"It might be a truth, an ancient Hanese book 山海經 had been recorded a lot of strange animals collected from many mountains and oceans out of their country border, ancient Hanese journalists and writers might study the biology and ecology for a long time......They even searched Gods and Ghosts, immortal legends, the context of different cultures and all of the principles about medicine, science and technology. A great parts of those ancient scriptures are still safely stored under the grounds and mountains, even buried in the ancient emperors' great tombs."

"Let me tell you a joke: Why sometimes we like the great things? Because of the 'great' involves 'eat' and it's very big, if we are eager to get more knowledge, the great things might satisfy our hungry mind instantly."

"Oh Yes! Great mountain, great sky, the great ocean, great sea, ......."

"Great river, great fire, great fountain, great tree......"

"Great wind, great star, great sun and great moon......."

"Great plane and the great ship, great road and great train, great building...... and ...... great wall!...........Wait a moment!.................What is the great wall?......Why Great Wall?......"

I stopped the listing talk about the great things this moment, and tried to recall something from my memo about the history of the Great Wall which was built on a series of mountains near to northern China in the ancient time.

"What's wrong with the Great Wall?........" 

"Do you remember I had ever talked about the Great Wall with you?....... And I had ever supposed it might be the ancient mass rapid traffic system across the grand land in ancient China, not just a wall....... Now I think about its another possibility........"

"I know what are you going to tell me!...... You must suspect that long-long wall might be a very ancient constructed border for defining the ecological park or natural wild zoo...... And those wild animals were giant like the dinosaurs, maybe that's the vestige of the first real Jurassic Park on the Earth!......"

"Why not! ...... Think about its amazing features: built on the ridges of the mountains, across very long distance, amazing height and width, very firm and strong enough to against powerful rushing....... If it's built for resisting the invading enemies of the other people from the other country, that's too wasting and over doing...... So, What's the most possibility that the Great Wall built to resist?......."

"Okey!...... Let me tell you a truth about the lost history, before a severe damage time of Ice Age, the Major Congress of Humankind International Preserving Organization made an awesome decision to try to preserve a very large green land for remaining those survival dinosaurs's lives lasting, they constructed the Original Great Wall very older than the Great Wall, that's why the amount of dinosaurs's skeletons found by those biological archeologists in Mainland China is the biggest numbers on the world."

"You mean, very long time ago, before homo sapiens appearing in the world, Mainland China was a great natural wild zoo of the dinosaurs?.......That might be the reason why there was a general cultural factor in ancient Hanese memories: The leaders of their society were always regarded as the raisers and trainers of the dragons, even were regarded as the later generations of the dragons which they called 'Long' in Hanese culture."

A Sculpture of '' (Dragon) in traditional Chinese temple

"To the people in ancient Hanese, '龍' not only was the synthesized symbol of various animals, but also the fuzzy significance of sub-consciousness or under-consciousness, because of the dinosaurs' giant fossil bones were usually dig out from the deep ground by those ecological archeologists........"

"So, very ancient people lived in China might include a first working group to manage and handle a very large natural wild zoo of dinosaurs and the other ancient beasts, they were fenced by the Original Great Wall."

"Actually, I had ever heard there was a working group called '豢龍氏' which meant 'The society of skillfully raising the dragons' in ancient Hanese mystical legend story......"

"Some words in fifth yao seemed like describe they built systematical paths above the natural wild zoo, supported by pillars or columns standing tally like the giant lotus's leaves and stems, allowed workers and tourists to pass through the natural wild zoo safely, also prevented bothering wild animals's living activities and interfering the ecosphere in there."


"At last, they might find an obviously natural phenomenon in the jungle - the weak were always preyed by the strong, so-called '弱肉強食' in Hanese. That's why the next qua '頤' was going to talk something about offering shelter or eaves to raise and take care of the weak or adopting the homeless, waives and refugee."

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

25. 無妄 111001 天雷-乾震 (Quarter 2-8)

元亨利貞,其匪正有眚,不利有攸往。-- 大晴天的時候竟然聽見雷鳴聲,這是很不尋常的現象啊!此時,你的元神意識可能會興致高昂、非常敏銳的想去偵察究竟是怎麼回事。那個傳來特別強烈訊息的區域是不是正在發生什麼非常明顯、難以忽視的事情呢?為了安全起見,是不是不要輕舉妄動比較好呢?(P.S.此處「匪」字解為「非常區域」或「感官刺激的訊息特別強烈的區域」。「眚」解為「醒目」、「看清楚」或「再三省視」、「避免忽視」。)

初九:無妄,往吉。/ 變卦天地否 -- 不尋常的現象,通常超出了以往可以預期的判斷。聽到不可置信的事情,剛開始通常是目瞪口呆、有口無言,不知該作如何解釋,甚至以為自己還在睡夢中。其實,何必過度擔憂、何必過度妄想呢?此時還不如出去看看吧!雖然待在自己熟悉的小天地裡感到安穩和習慣,但是外面廣大的自然界中有多少不曾結識的事物呢?

六二:不耕獲,不菑畬,則利有攸往? / 變卦天澤履 -- 不耕作卻能得到收獲、不經營卻能擁有田產,按照這樣不尋常的例子,只要有利可圖的事情都可以趕快去做了,那裡還需要根據什麼道理和方法、程序和步驟呢?然而,我們曾經從大自然裡發現的道理,難道不會因為大自然的變化而有所改變嗎?

六三:無妄之災,或系之牛。行人之得,邑人之災。/ 變卦天火同人 -- 預料之外的災難,往往使人內心充滿疑惑,有時候甚至流言滿天飛,說什麼地牛翻身、雷鳥吐火的關係等等,把災難發生的原因牽連到無辜的野牛或珍禽身上。實際行動的人親身經歷所得到的見聞,有時候以訛傳訛的,竟然被部份人士異口同聲的轉述為神秘詭異的災難呢!(P.S. 此處「邑」解為「部份」、some part、part of 。)

九四:可貞,無咎。/ 變卦風雷益 -- 風急降則草木匍匐、雷聲響則氣流波動,就算是預料之外的自然現象,也是可能偵測出原因的,這有什麼好奇怪的呢?只要收集相關線索、讓資料不斷增加壘積,最後總有真相大白的一天啊!問題是,此時有沒有容量足夠的資料庫可以儲存大量增加的資料呢?

九五:無妄之疾,勿藥,有喜。/ 變卦火雷噬嗑 -- 對於預料之外的疾病,也就是那些不曾記錄在病例中的疾病,似乎暫時是沒有藥物可以醫治的。此時,不如讓病人放鬆心情、快慰歡喜、滿足他們適合的志趣,以便讓他們發揮自己身體的自癒能力或免疫能力。

上九:無妄,行有眚,無攸利。/ 變卦澤雷隨 -- 在發生預料之外的狀況時,由於沒有實際經驗作為行動的參考實例,有可能忽視了應該注意的事項,導致無法順利進行處理。也就是說,預料之外的狀況是一種過去累積的經驗與目前發生的現象不能即時同步的狀況。(P.S.  此處「眚」解為「醒目」、「看清楚」或「再三省視」、「避免忽視」。)

"When you saw a woman carrying a big basket on the way near to market, you might suppose she was just going shopping or wandering around street mall. But this ancient Hanese pictogram word put the basket on the head of a symbol of woman, seemed like to emphasize the plenty mental space in a woman's thoughts and wishes."

"Actually female might more worry about the real life, because they might get pregnant and consider to feed and raise the newborn baby before they falling in love with a male. So, if a man thought a woman's basket will always empty or carry nothing, even thought woman didn't think anything else except love, that is delusion, and that's why this word '妄' was a little similar to the English word 'worry', because of 'worry' involved 'wo' which was also a part of 'woman', just like this Hanese word '妄' involved a symbol '女' which meant 'woman'."

"And when you worry too much, you might prepare and carry too many things in your basket, even need a big cart."

"Have you ever worried about the future? Sometimes the in-normal information might naturally attract our eyes and turn our head to look, even stimulate our consciousnesses to consider the relative changes might be coming into our lives."

"Yes! Too much worry is not guilty! As you hear the loud thunder, big rain might be coming soon. But how about the strange thunder under the shining sun in the daytime, is it the sound of exploding coming from a volcano or a bomb? Or rushing damaging event in a traffic way? You might worry about the unclear dangerous crisis might change the existing peaceful life."

"Maybe it was the falling meteor just rushing to some place on earth and making loud exploding sound. The original author of 易經 did not tell us what is it, but from the combined factors of this qua, something seemed like have been come from the sky and sound through the air in a long distance."

"What we judge might be based on believable experiences, but something in-normal and out of our minds might cause the anxious situation and over worried imagination, even the rash or ridiculous thinking of suspicion and superstition."

"I think...... As a journalist and translator, the original author of 易經 mustn't only stay indoors and make the daydreams, he might go outside to collect and note down the evidences about every unusual or incredible event, and try efforts to find the finest reasons of the incidences."

"Some words in this qua even emphasized to find the natural law and the principle which related with each existing phenomenon, and had better to refute the rumors before getting the truth." 

"The exact reason about some diseases might be still ignored by medical research, before the safe treatment was found, those ancient medical doctors might suggest patients to keep their life relaxing with happiness and had better to do something preferable or comfortable, because of the healthy immunity of the selves body was just the major curing power."

"Something out of mind might delay our judgements and decisions, but from the opinions written by the original author of 易經, there was nothing without reason, it was just a question about time. If we got sufficient information, everything in the nature could be explained."

"Finally, they tried to collect and store more and more information about the great nature, planned to build a great specific database bigger than ever for reducing the confusion and frustration in their minds step by step, included various supernatural phenomena and incredible events."


"That's why the next qua was going to talk about the great specific storage for sharing or touring, seemed like to build the public library, museum, national biological park or natural wild zoo....... That must be the great architectural businesses created by the compassionate and rational society."

I had stayed at here for a long time since I walked down from the mountain and met Mermaid E. beside the seashore. I exchanged my knowledge with her and tried to get the unknown parts about the 易經 which might have ever sunk in the deep sea very long time ago in history.

Sometimes the thunder sounded loudly above the sea and the incidental amazing tornados looked like giant spiral water-columns. What I thought about the peaceful beach sometimes might become unquietly horrible scenery.

Then I had a wonderful dream: To build a boat and take Mermaid E. with me sail to an unknown shore through the peaceful sea waves, to find a new fresh land after finishing the decoding work of the mysterious Hanese ancient scripture - 易經 which was usually known as I-Ching or The Book Of Change in English, but I more like to call it The I.E. Scripture.

Of course I knew Mermaid E. didn't need any boat, she could freely swim and deep dive by herself or ride the smart big turtle in the ocean, all I dreamed about was just belong to a personalized thinking way.

If "over worry" was related to "", then how about "over wonder"? ...... I hid my dream in my mind and didn't tell her a little, because I had better to show her the wonderful reality as I making my dream boat come true.

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

24. 復 000001 地雷-坤震 (Quarter 2-7)

亨,出入無疾,朋來無咎,反復其道。七日來復,利有攸往。-- 所謂恢復,通常是指回復通達、通暢,逐漸回復交流或交通的能力,發出訊息和接收訊息都不會引發疾病,朋友來訪也不會感到膽顫心驚的不自在。反過來說,獨處時也能回復自我的心神,專注在自己行走的道路上,不會感到寂寞和無助。通常大約經過一週七日的時間來恢復,身心的運作就能順利多了。

初九:不復遠,無只悔,元吉。/ 變卦坤為地 -- 因為心智有了長期性或遠距離的變化,然後纔會有意圖恢復這樣的事情。如果沒有長遠的變化,那又有什麼好後悔的呢?所謂的恢復,不過就是把分散的意識或元神再度連結起來、走出迷惘和混亂的身心狀態啊!

六二:休復,吉。/ 變卦地澤臨 -- 如果休息一下就能立即恢復,這是值得喜悅的。休息不見得就是什麼事情都不做,或許大熱天在涼爽的樹蔭下歇一會,或許吃喝一點合乎自己味口的飲食,或許從事一些合乎自己品味的興趣和活動。

六三:頻復,厲,無咎。/ 變卦地火明夷 -- 如果需要頻繁的休息纔能恢復,代表當時身體可能已經極度疲倦,正在發出嚴厲的警訊,這有什麼好意外的呢?也許有潛伏在體內的不明隱疾,或是潛在的發炎症狀或免疫反應,身體正在尋求頻繁休息和足夠能量的幫助來恢復健康呢!

六四:中行獨復。/ 變卦震為雷 -- 如同季節寒暑的變化一直持續著,在休息和恢復的過程中,身心的運作並沒有停止,仍然在持續的進行中。也就是說,我們只是用比較獨立的說法來看待「恢復」這件事情。其實呢!身體的新陳代謝、盈虧消長是時時刻刻都在進行的,這也是生命持續變化運轉的原動力。

六五:敦復,無悔。/ 變卦水雷屯 -- 既然恢復需要長久適應變化的能力,而不是回到變化之前的起點,那麼恢復的真正意義就是在於如何妥當的和持續變化的環境互相交融和轉化,這也就是所謂的敦化。有時候經過一段時間的適應,也可能會突然大幅度的轉變了體質,頓時之間很快的就恢復了。
上六:迷復,凶,有災眚。用行師,終有大敗,以其國君,凶﹔至于十年,不克征。/ 變卦山雷頤 -- 藉由過度迷信的方式來恢復是自陷困境的,甚至可能導致不能忽視的災難。如果還要把過度的迷信推行到群體,最終可能導致整個文明社會的大分裂和再重組。此時,如果連信用穩固的專家和君子都把持不住,喪失了探究、推理和驗証的精神,那真是太危險了!這樣的群體可能將面臨至少十年的衰退和窒礙,許多對外的交流和探索都無法進行了。處在迷惑而找不到答案的時候,不如暫時休養身心、收集相關資訊,耐心等待進一步的確實訊息。(P.S. 此處「敗」解爲重組分裂的狀態,類似 re-combination of the destructive status 之意。)

"As a detecting message was sent, the detecting terminator might get the feedback-responsive message at some time from the other sensible terminator, that's the basic principle of interactive discovery."

"That meant, the message of discovery might keep company with the message of recovery. And this awesome principle might be followed by some kind of ancient Hanese medical treatment to stimulate human body's immune response for curing the disease."

"In the ancient Hanese pictogram words, '復' seemed like a picture of walking path with two ways or a subway’s rigid rails, you could go forward from a starting termination to the other ending termination and come back through the same path. You could safely repeat your journeys in such path as many times as you want and without missing your way."


"That must not only a stable way, but also a full speedy way. By such way, you could move fast and without any doubt. That might be a reason why 'full' sounded like this Hanese word '復'. And its meaning was extended to define the fully healthy condition of the human body."

"It's reasonable! If the blood flow could fluently run in the bloody pipes by its full speed and the nervous system could transmit messages without being obstructed, then the human body health might get better condition."

"In fact the health was usually regarded as a constant comfortable situation, and the familiar habits of the living styles decided the stable comfort. That's why something out of the familiar habits might temporally cause the human body's uncomfortable reaction of immune response."

"From this concept about recovery in 易經, actually every sensible change might cause the body and mind to face the choice of accepting or refusing the changes, even try to fight with the changes."

"Sudden and unexpected change might cause the weak body feel uncomfortable, even get a disease, that's why some great global traveling times or severe climate changing times in history were also the rioting diseased times which were caused by the massive impact of the influenza."

"That's why there were some words emphasized the long term adaptability is as important as escaping or fighting for surviving from all kinds of the strange diseases."

"When the disease invaded human body, it could be regarded as a discovering message. If human body could respond the recovering message to the disease, then the disease might be adapted or fitted with a body and no more let the body feel uncomfortable."

"As a matter of fact, In the Nineteenth Century, a famous biologist Charles Robert Darwin had ever said: 'It's not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.' when he studied about the 'Origin of Species'."

"So, according to the concept about recovery in 易經, it's not going back to the original situation of the past time-space, but find a way to adapt to the changing world and keep going forward to the future."

"Sure! How can we reset our body and mind, and seem like a little baby was just born out of the world? It's impossible! Due to the Bible, God created the world in six days, and rested at seventh day, that's why each qua had six yaos in 易經. That meant, each change might involve six phases, and there were sixty-four major sub-changes of the great change in the world of 易經." 

"That's why the basic recovering period of time was usually predicted as a week in the first yao of this qua, usually the responsive activity between invading disease and the body's immune system might last seven days."

"But I wonder what is the finest and perfect adaption that we can do, is there a limit that we can't move across and can't help to stop ourselves changes? We might get older and weaker in our limited ages of life, and how can we accept all of the unusual things and changes which suddenly appear in the world?"


"There were some words suggested the best way to deal with the endless adapting situation in last yao of this qua: Keep patient to detect and collect more information about the changes, don't rush to do anything by the rough decision which based on any kind of suspicion and superstition."

"Actually, not everything in the world was real, something was fanatic, something was ridiculous or over-anxious, even illusive or hallucinatory..... That's why the next qua '無妄' was going to talk about how to prevent the delusion."

"I'm very confused about this word '妄' which related to 'delusion',...... why there was a symbol of woman - '女' who carried a big empty basket - '亡' on her head in this ancient Hanese word pictogram? Did it present a subjective impression that most of the women always felt their baskets were empty?"

"From the other sight-angle, It probably meant: If a man thought women were all dancing around in their dream world and without any spirit or thought in their minds to concern the real world, then he might be just falling into delusion......"

"Let's stop kidding each other, I think this word '妄' might be created by a simpler principle......"

"In ancient Hanese pictogram words, the woman was graphed as a young and conservative sitting female human figure. And when a woman stayed under a roof or indoor space, it had the meaning about safety, but a little anxious, this situation was marked as '安' and sounded like 'an'...... Why? Because if she didn't get the truly evidence about what happen outside the door, especially about some unusual and scaring events, she might feel safe, but still anxious, even over worry at that time." 

"Do you worry about the future?....... How the world will be changed by the future?"

"Future?....... Don't worry about the future!..... The future always runs at full speed, we are just passengers and even cannot feel what is its real speed........."

One night, during sleeping time, I dreamed about a small park: 

Children are laughing loudly, surrounding and playing the sliding board....... They repeat to climb up and slide down, again and again, without any tiredness,........ until sunset and their parents call them back home.........

But I see a very little boy still sit on the top of the sliding board, hands hold on rails, seems like just think about something there or no dare to slide down directly...... The sky becomes darker and the air becomes colder, but no one calls him back, and no one guide him slide.......

I feel a little bit weird and look around there for a while, then I see a big train is suddenly roaring on the railroad toward the park, rushes across and bumps against a series of trees,...... and keeps rushing toward sliding board......

"Sliding down from there! Right now!..... Just loose your hands!..... Don't be scared!......" I stand up from the bench immediately, keep shouting and running to the sliding board and trying to give him some encouragement in this urgently dangerous situation,......just in several seconds,......he is disappearing.......

After a moment, the roaring train is getting away as a blowing wind, ..... Sliding board becomes pieces and dusts,...... then I hear a boy's laughing sound behind me...... When I turn around to look, I can't believe what a funny boy looks as same as the face of myself in my childhood.

"You are so lucky! Boy!" I congratulate and ask him in astonishment and my head is sweating "How could you do that?...... How did you disappear from there at that moment?"

He stops laughing and answers in serious expression "I jumped out there through a hole!..... I saw a transparent hole in the air!......"

Suddenly I woke up from bed and tried to note down this dream,...... then I suspected  might include another possible way which still not entirely realized by physical scientists, because of  just sounded like 'ho' in Taiwanese......Was it an invisible path between two holes in the time-space? Black Hole or Wormhole had ever mentioned by modern physicists? Or a Holy Way with a bi-path?...........

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

23. 剝 100000 山地-艮坤 (Quarter 2-6)

不利有攸往。-- 山嶺地表下通常有著層層覆蓋的土壤,那是經過很久的時間纔逐漸形成的「地層結構」(earth-strata)。如果想挖掘地底究竟埋藏著什麼東西,可要小心謹慎的去進行,以免破壞地層結構、導致山崩地裂。

初六:剝床以足,蔑貞凶。/ 變卦山雷頤 -- 用鑽探的方式採取地層土壤來分析,鑽探的深度要達到岩層、不能再向下鑽探為止,如此纔足以採集各個地層土壤成分的樣本,同時也不會過度破壞地層結構。如果輕率的採用大規模挖掘、削山、截斷山腳、破壞山床、動搖林木根基的方式去偵測,有可能會引起地層滑動或下陷的危險。在探測地層的同時,也必須兼顧地層的涵養和維護啊!

六二:剝床以辨,蔑貞凶。/ 變卦山水蒙 -- 用鑽探的方式採取地層土壤來分析辨識各個地層土壤的成分,同時要注意水土保持和水流的變化。如果輕率的採用大規模挖掘、削山、截斷山腳、破壞山床、動搖林木根基的方式去偵測,有可能會引起地層結構的改變,甚至釀成土石崩流及地下水流失的危險。

六三:剝之,無咎。/ 變卦艮為山 -- 鑽探土壤通常採用環環相扣、形似以「之」字形的螺旋狀組件相連構成的螺旋鑽桿,這是沒有錯的。採用螺旋鑽桿加上注水降溫的鑽探方式纔能在層層覆蓋的地層中沒有阻礙的進出自如啊!

六四:剝床以膚,凶。/ 變卦火地晉 -- 如同從皮膚感測體溫或脈博來檢查身體內部狀況一樣,山嶺和地表下的溫差和動靜也可以提供探測的線索,此時只要從地表上方用熱感測器來偵測地表下方熱源發出的熱輻射、熱氣流,或是觀察地磁力線的變化,經過長期的觀察計算,或許可以發現地底埋藏了什麼東西呢!(P.S. 此處「凶」字解爲收集資訊和數據告一段落並進行計算之意,相當於 English 的 calculation。)

六五:貫魚,以宮人寵,無不利。/ 變卦風地觀 -- 另一種探勘地層的方式是觀察潛行生物的活動。例如,魚群習慣在地層縫隙的水流中串連游竄,似乎往來在不為人知的地底水域,好像地底下也有迷宮般龐大的宮室群落。藉著觀察潛行生物的活動,也可能發現什麼呢!這種間接觀察而非直接挖掘的方式,也沒什麼不好啊!

上九:碩果不食,君子得輿,小人剝廬。/ 變卦坤為地 -- 其實就算在深山地底挖掘到什麼寶物,結果大多是一些不能當作食物的礦石或結晶石、化石、甚至殞石等等。君子為了此事,還得事先堪察地形地勢、繪製詳細的地理堪輿圖和探測計劃,不能像少數人一樣到處敲敲打打的,甚至把整座高聳的山嶺都剷平了,還以為挖山掘地就像剝果皮、拆茅屋、掀盤蓋那麼簡單呢!就算是掀盤蓋,也得當心是否有迎面而來的熱氣或異味吧!(P.S.古稱「葫蘆」也有可能與 English 的 fruit 互通。西方的方位在古代古天文中曾被稱爲白虎方,「葫蘆」的「蘆」字中帶有類似「虎」的符號也是很合理的,而其中的「田」也和「果」字上的「田」相同,「皿」則可能代表盛果之盤。「廬」可能特指類似果實或其它物體的表面或遮蓋物。)

"Due to this Hanese word '剝' is sounded like 'bo' in modern traditional Chinese, its original meaning might be similar to 'bore',  'bark' or 'peel', and related to exposing and discovering, or exploring."

"Maybe...... just like a multiple bubble with many layers, also seem like a ball-shape root or bulb, and when a bubble exploded, it might sound like 'bo!'......"

"What kind of ball-shaped object contains many layers? Is it the Earth?....... A giant ball is just moving in the universe and consisted of water and fire, soil, rock, stone, wood, metal elements, and air......., and we are just living as the residents on its surface."

"To the residential construction, there is no more dangerous than building the houses on a site where involves the hidden possibilities of mountain sliding and earth rending."

"Many ancient wisdom words had told us: 'To build on the firm rock and stable boulder.', even included some sacred words in the Holy Bible."

"Sometimes I wonder why the undercurrent or hidden spiral might be aroused under the water, does something transmits the detecting messages from deep water for watching the surface of the ocean? Is it a natural phenomenon?"

"It's not impossible, but most of the time the water spiral could be aroused on the edge when the flowing water met obstruction, seemed like the rock in water, submerged reef, or the other flow came from inverting way. Try to consider about such situation, if you met something obstructing your way, would you hover around a while before moving across it?"

"I get it! That's why there were some words described the digging technology about spiral drilling tools for detecting the stratums of the earth, those ancient geological engineers might have ever learned from the natural phenomenon!......"

"That's why there was a word '之' in the third yao..... I mean the third 爻 of this qua, it sounded like 'Zhi', seems like a little similar to 'drill'...... The original author of 易經 might try to describe a spiral drilling tool by a pictogram word....."

"Maybe that's why 'bolt' sounded like '剝', and '剝' seems like having a feature about spiraling shape in its left top. Then......'剝' also reveals the ancient drilling technology also involved the water for lubricating when such drilling tool was working, because of a water symbol '水' in there, and '水' sounded as 'dri' in Taiwanese."

"So, we can imagine when that drilling tool was working very fast, it might sound as 'dril-dril-dril-dril-dril......' or 'drul-drul-drul-drul-drul......', that's why '彔' was sounded like 'ru' or 'lu' in modern traditional Chinese, and this technology was called 'drill' in English."

"If we considered the consonant 'd' of the symbol '刂' in the right part of this word '剝', and combined the sound of '水' in Taiwanese, then we must know '剝' might have the other spelling sound as 'drill'......"

"No matter what, those ancient geologists might worry about the destruction of earth-strata caused by digging, then tried to find several indirect methods to detect the underground stratum, such like detect the different temperatures or the changing of flowing-air, observe the earth's magnetic fluxing lines,...... even watch fishes’ moving directions or the other living creatures’ activities in the subways which connected with many mysterious spaces under the surface of the earth......"

"Some words in this qua seemed like not encourage people to dig the ground without good planning and training and without the careful consulting from drilling experts."

"Finally, they tried to prevent invasive detecting or examining,  but it was not easy...... Actually, as you are analyzing something, you might set it apart......"


"That's why the next qua '復' was going to talk about recovery,...... and about the way to get back to the original or comfortable condition...... Humankind could not destruct their earth and also live on earth at the same time......"

"The healthy civilization is always built on the healthy earth...... And the technology of discovery is also built on the ability of recovering...... I think such manner might be the true spirit of this qua....."

"Some lost ancient civilizations had ever told, a peaceful and plenty mountain is covered by many trees and flowers, and a dead mountain is bald, Especially as the poisonous gas deeply covered inside the ground was exposing to the air and water by carelessly digging, it might harm the nervous system of human body and let all of the civilians become insane by the hallucinations."

"Except that, a natural exploding of the big volcano might also cause severe damage to the civilization of humankind and kill a great lot of living beings on earth."

"To the mind in original author of 易經, the technology of recovery seemed like as important as discovery, not just beautified the surface, but tried to find a way for keeping the naturally healthy balance. The great earth is also a life, isn't it?......"

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

2013年10月4日 星期五

22. 賁 100101 山火-艮離 (Quarter 2-5)

亨,小利有所往。-- 高明的裝修就是利用最少的改裝技術或修飾技巧、在最關鍵的地方達成最大的功效,使設計製作的物品可以適應環境的變化,並且擁有長期保存的價值。例如,以山形的蓋子罩住燈火,不但能防雨、調光,也有裝飾燈盞的作用;以拱形板材罩在車輪上方,可以防止泥沙噴濺。

初九:賁其趾,舍車而徒。/ 變卦艮為山 -- 腳趾和腳底天生的起伏皺褶和車輪表面紋理的功能類似,有增加磨擦力和止滑的作用。鞋底採用刻痕或鋸齒狀的紋路來裝修,或是噴塗特殊耐磨顆粒,那麼徒步行走、登山健行就能更加快速輕鬆,何必一定要搭乘車輛呢?

六二:賁其須。/ 變卦山天大畜 -- 毛髮和鬍鬚的功能是緩衝、隔熱或保暖。把大量的纖維材料裝修在車輛的頂蓬,或是噴塗泡沫纖維及安裝纖維簾幕,使空氣在纖維空隙中對流傳導,就能產生散熱或保暖的效用。有人甚至把這種裝修方式運用在大型的畜牧建築或溫室哉培呢!

九三:賁如濡如,永貞吉。/ 變卦山雷頤 -- 經常在車輛表面噴塗水臘或亮光油、防銹劑等等、在輪軸處灌注潤滑油,並且定期偵查構件連結的穩固,這樣車輛就有永保煥然一新的可能。勤於維修保養,纔能持久啊!         

六四:賁如皤如,白馬翰如,匪寇婚媾。/ 變卦離為火 -- 氣勢光明盛大的亮白裝修,再加上馬力強、效能高的雙引擎來驅動,這樣的車輛奔馳在路上不拉風纔怪呢!如果不是為了引人矚目,大概就是用於婚禮的儀式吧!

六五:賁于丘園,束帛戔戔,吝,終吉。/ 變卦風火家人 -- 看那些盛開的花朵和繽紛的彩葉!天然美麗的點綴本來就存在於山丘林園啊!此時還要用一束束縫上金綫的布帛彩帶去裝飾,不是多此一舉嗎?作為裝修的專家,能用最少的資源、最快的速度去達成最好的結果,總是好事啊!

上九:白賁,無咎。/ 變卦地火明夷 -- 裝修有時候也是為了粉飾缺點、遮蓋瑕疵,就連山嶺有時候也會噴出大量的火山灰、掩蓋地表上凹陷的坑洞,這有什麼好奇怪的呢?盡可能認識裝修的原理和美化的技巧,纔能明白那裡隱藏著可疑的問題。

I had ever tried to make the water pool looked like a natural lake before decorating it as a sea-star pool, but finally I must admit the great nature is hard to copy.

There might be not any decoration in nature, every existing feature in nature might be formed by some kind of useful function and purpose, include the interactive treatment.

Sometimes we just tried to make the world become more suitable to humankind's habits and institution, even involved temporally emotional feelings and intuitive spirits in the works. 

The shells of starfishes were covered on the surface of the pool beside the villa house, they were so beautiful with the everlasting lovely shapes, but I thought when they lively lived in the sea, each of them must be a really beautiful life with the abilities to find their suitable way for living in love and fun.

"When I looked this Hanese word '賁', I found it seemed like mark a shellfish or scallops burst out many pearls, and the pearls could be treated as the beading to do some decorative things. That's why this word sounded like 'bea' in Hanese."

"It's not surprising me, because there is an English word 'beautiful' just involves 'bea', and it has the meanings about something well executed, attractive and possessing charm."

"Sometimes decoration means covering the surface, seems like finishing the wall, pasting the tiles or brushing by paint, fitting the wooden or plastic panels, and so on....."

"Any other materials might be used for decoration, from cheap to expensive, from normal to rare, from grass to flower, from rock to gold........."

"When '賁' was written with '口' together, it was "噴" and meant 'burst' or 'spray', seemed like a flower is just going to blossom, or a scallops burst out the pearl from its opening shell. That must be a visibly pretty scene in the eyes of ancient Hanese, I think!"

"Actually, some other Hanese words about decoration were also sounded as same as '賁', such like '碧', '璧', '蔽', '蓽', '庇', '弼'.......especially meant those shining materials for wearing or covering and coating."

"Sometimes the covering is made for preventing the bursting and exposing damage, just like a big mountain covers volcano's burning fire, the lampshade covers the lamp, and the coating on metal for preventing it’s oxidized."

"Yes! '賁' might have a protective function, not only covering, seemed like the car bumper, the firmly metal envelop of the motor, and the arc-shape or flexibly softening treatment of corners on the edges in furniture and building construction."

"I remember there was an old story about poet Dante and his dream lover Beatrice in the history of the Italian Renaissance Period. Beatrice must be an awesome idol of the angelic beauty in Dante's mind of heaven."

"Maybe The Beatles is another angelic cultural factors in modern pop music. They had been created a great covering dream in the world, tried to take their fans to a peaceful and beautiful heaven without sharpen edges."

"What a 'bea'!.......It can be a great impact on our minds, links our dreams about a wonderful heaven!......"

"How can I say? Maybe 'beautify' is just the best English word to translate this ancient Hanese word '賁', isn't it?......"

"If you asked a Taiwanese: 'How to speak the beautiful in Taiwanese?', You might get the answer: 'It's bea-leh'!."

"Love and beautiful Goddess Venus was just born out from a big shell of scallops on the ocean, is it a coincidence?......That's why '賁' involved a word-symbol '貝' which meant 'shell'."

"No matter what's the beginnings of the 'bea', I think everyone must like the beautiful things and lovely fairs, but sometimes rhetorical beading or decoration might cover the hidden problems."


"Sure! How can I see through the peaceful surface? Are there undercurrents and dangerously spirals, or hidden submerged reeves under the ocean?......Are there hidden volcanos or unstably dangerous stratums inside the grounds or mountains?"

"That's why the next qua '剝' was going to talk about discovering. Except curiosity, I think a big part of the motivation in humankind's discovery was due to be afraid of something unknown and unsafe, or tried to get the treasures under cover."

Since I met with Mermaid E. on the beach, I almost forgot that her naked body was not covered by any clothes, except her very long hairs and sometimes a few small pretty rings made of pearls and shells,.......but she is still naturally beautiful in my eyes, just like wearing the shining and lighting atmosphere.

One day Mermaid E. made a suit of swimsuit by herself with some clothes from the closet in villa-house, and cut her long hairs a little shorter. She tried to dress more like an ordinary human according to some images of the portraits in paints which were hung on indoor walls, and prepared to give me a surprise.

"Do you think I'm beautiful in dress?......." She asked me as she suddenly appears in front of me when I thought about some words in this qua beside the pool, and her body was covered by her self-made swimsuit.

"What are you doing?.......What you done is the most beautiful bikini that I had never seen before!" I was so much astonished about what her dress, it looked like two pieces of flowery clothes were just covering the burning hot fire which bursting out from her charming figure.

Then I almost understood the fate about why 'bikini' also involved a similar vocal sound as 'bea', it's really looked beautiful and peaceful at the beach.........

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

21. 噬嗑 101001 火雷-離震 (Quarter 2-4)

亨,利用獄。-- 彼此適合或契合,即使離開再遠,還是能感應對方內心震動的頻率,這本來是值得高興、非常難得的。但是,如果因此而造成彼此很大的牽絆,甚至互相縴制對方,那麼這和處在心靈的監獄中不也是相通的嗎?(P.S.「噬嗑」雖然有上下兩排牙齒可以互相密合以進行咀嚼並順利吃喝的意思,但此處「噬嗑」兩字更可能是古代用擬聲的方式來表示「適合」的涵意,有可能當時《易經》作者的字典中沒有「適合」這兩個字,所以採用發音相近的「噬嗑」兩字來表示「適合」,也接近「契合」、「配合」、「密闔」的意思,似乎相當於 English 中的 suit 或 suite。「用」在此處解為「相通」、「相仿」。此外,《易經》是談變化的經典,「獄」字可能和䜌」、「變」、「辯」、「辨」......等字的含意有關,二犬彼此對言互吠的聲音不像人與人之間說話的聲音豐富多變,但是仍能彼此溝通,因爲語言相同之故。所以,《易經》此處的「獄」字可能有關係緊密、默契相合,但也有彼此縴絆之意,然而後世可能誤傳爲關閉囚禁之意。「獄」字發音接近「語」,可能也有牠們兩犬用自己的語言談得來,而我們人類卻進不去、插不了話的含意。)

初九:屨校滅趾,无咎。/ 變卦火地晉 -- 粗麻製作的鞋子雖然輕便涼爽,但是有時候卻容易磨傷腳趾。製作鞋子,要經過一再的校正,材質和尺寸都要適合腳部在實際行走時的舒適感,這樣是不會錯的。物品的設計要密切配合個別使用者的特性,而不是像削足適履般的讓使用者來適應設計的物品。(P.S. 根據《字書》所言:「草曰屝,麻曰屨,皮曰履,......」,「屨」似乎是用麻草類植物纖維製作的鞋子。)

六二:噬膚滅鼻,无咎。/ 變卦火澤睽 -- 只在表面上膚淺的配合,卻違背自己內心的感受、消減自我的意願,於是表裡不一、心生怨氣,這樣的結果有什麼好意外的呢?物品的製作和設計不能只著重外觀,卻忽略使用者需求的內涵啊!(P.S. 此處「鼻」代表「自己發出的氣息」或「出於自己的意願」,可能古人在表達自己的意見時也常常指著自己的鼻子來示意。)

六三:噬腊肉,遇毒。小吝,无咎。/ 變卦離為火 -- 有些人吃到臘肉就像是吃到毒物一樣,這是個別體質能不能適應的問題。身體產生一點排斥的作用,於是起了過敏的反應,甚至皮膚表面長出疹子,這有什麼好奇怪的呢?一個大量製作的產品,很難滿足各別的需求啊!

九四:噬乾胏,得金矢。利艱,貞吉。/ 變卦山雷頤 -- 有些人吃到帶骨的乾肉,難過的就像在啃銳利的金屬箭頭一樣。一般偵測的結果是:他們通常養尊處優、重視細節、對事物百般挑剔、不喜歡囫圇吞棗。為這樣的人設計製作物品,往往必須裡裡外外樣樣考慮周全。

六五:噬乾肉,得黃金。貞厲,无咎。/ 變卦天雷無妄 -- 有些人吃到乾肉,就像是得到珍貴的黃金一樣。一般偵測的結果是:他們通常小心謹慎、居安思危、心中沒有妄想,從來不會沒有理由的衝動行事。為這樣的人設計製作物品,當然要精簡節約、實用為上。

上九:何校滅耳,凶。/ 變卦震為雷 -- 荷葉般的大型圓盤帽,雖然戴起來威風凜凜,卻必須校正是否會磨傷耳朵或消減聽覺的靈敏度,以免在外出行動時陷入凶險的處境。製作帽子,要經過一再的校對,不但要適合使用者頭部的大小,也要考慮行動時發生震動的狀況。物品的設計製作要考慮使用時的實際狀況,不只是靜態的樣貌,還要兼顧動態變化的影響,例如:車子要安裝具有緩衝能力的彈性避震器,避免車輪在行進時強烈的顛簸震動傳遞到座艙、使乘坐者感到不舒適。

"As a round ball rolling and moving on the bumpy ground, it might jump again and again. The bumpy ground was not suited to the moving wheels, that's why the flat surface of the road was considered to construct in the well designed traffic ways."

"I see, this qua seemed like a big wheel running above the trembling or shaking factor, it's not so quiet and might be trying to find a smooth and suitable way for moving.......That's why the inventors set cushions between wheels and cart."

"I can imagine those ancient engineers finally constructed the railways for mass rapid traffic in their cities. If you knew an ancient Hanese engineering book - 考工記, there were some notes written about the design of railways with web like grid system."

"From the direct meaning of the title words in this qua - 噬嗑, it seemed like the upper teeth and lower teeth well match together for biting food, just like a box-cover exactly matches with box-basin, and these two Hanese words were just sounded like 'suit'."

"That's why the well designed dress of custom made was called 'suite', it's designed to entirely fit with the orders of especial person, suitable with some one's personal necessary, not with anybody." 

"Yes! In a grand design age, each thing might have its own character, just like each person's personality or identification."

適合的問題引出了設計和製作的學問,而它的終極問題就是 : 製作出來的物品是否能夠適應大環境的變化和動態的影響,並且擁有長期保存的價值。於是,如何適度的改裝和修飾關鍵的細部,可能纔是設計和製作的真功夫呢!

"But......  the other side, something too many matches with you also means you might have no choice to choose another one, and lose the flexibility of alteration for changing......"

"That's not the problem, I think those ancient designers already considered the flexibility and alteration in their designs, and set it into their productions. Even left some space for custom's personal self-designing or self-modification..... Seemed like some decorations, the plus fittings, the package choice of something........."

"That's why the next qua 賁 was going to talk about decoration or plus fitting in designing...... As a matter of fact, when a product came out of the factory, how to maintain and repair it will be an awesome subject......."

"Just like how to keep the body healthy for a long run, isn't it?...... So many mysterious emperors in history had ever tried to find the evergreen medicine to keep their lives lasting, to live forever young, but what is that medicine?......"

"Maybe it’s love...... I think it's love...... Truly suitable love might make you feel good, comfortable and have not too much anxiety, even in the worst time..........."

"I know, love is not decoration, but if some kind of decoration could attract your soul, activate your heart, take your worry, even save your life, would you love it?......"

Sometimes so many skeletons of dead starfishes were rushed to the seashore by tides, Mermaid and I picked up those beautiful shells to decorate the pool beside the villa house. 

Day after day, the pool almost became a sea-stars pool...........

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

20. 觀 110000 風地-巽坤 (Quarter 2-3)

盥而不薦,有孚顒若。-- 風在地上運行,可能受到地形地物的影響而改變風向,局部的風向不見得就是整體的風向。當我們發現,將自己局部的觀察結果當作最後的結論只是個人主觀的感覺時,往往就會洗手作罷、不再根據私人的感覺來介入和推進整體事務的運作方向。因為,在這樣的狀況下,就算感官補捉到再多浮現的訊息,好像只是一己偏執的意見而已。即使結果符合預期,似乎也像是個偶然啊!

初六:童觀,小人无咎,君子吝。/ 變卦風雷益 -- 光線經由眼睛瞳孔的調控,進入視網膜、連結視神經,然後在腦部的光資訊處理區域呈現影像,這就是視覺的形成。年少的人往往對觀察視覺訊號強烈的事物很有感覺,因為他們還在成長發育的過程中,這有甚麼好奇怪的呢?但是對於君子來説,單單依賴視覺影像來判斷事物就太狹隘了,有些事物會因為眼睛本身對光的調控而超出視覺接收觀察的範圍之外,例如看不見的風、看不到的微小物體、難以察覺的快速振動和移動等等。

六二:窺觀,利女貞。/ 變卦風水渙 -- 光線通過窺視的小孔,往往會呈現出更清楚的影像。對於那些經常足不出戶又謹慎細心的女子來説,如果想要看清楚遠處或朦朧的事物,利用窺視孔等望遠器具或顯微器具來觀察,倒是不錯的辦法呢!散漫的光線在通過小孔時會收攏聚集、呈現比較清晰的光影,但是一旦空氣中的濕度太高,或是隔水觀物時,光線還是會受濕氣、水流的折射或漫射而渙散,失去預期的觀察準確度。

六三:觀我生,進退。/ 變卦風山漸 -- 既然觀察物體是透過我們自己的視覺神經與腦部的光資訊處理區域來解讀、境由心生而顯示的影像,那麼我們本身的進退移動等等的變化,會不會影響到整個觀察的結果呢?當我們的感官介入了我們正在觀察的事物,會不會像狂風吹拂山林一樣,同時也擾動了原本想要觀察的對象呢?也許緩慢而逐漸接近的去觀察,不要像急驚風般一下子擾動了被觀察的對象,會是比較適當的觀察方式呢!

六四:觀國之光,利用賓於王。/ 變卦天地否 -- 既然觀察的終極問題是:不知道是被觀察對象自己在變化,還是觀察者引起被觀察對象的變化?那麼也就是説,實際上觀察者通常只能觀察一個比較靜態的、像個城國般比較封閉而範圍固定不變的被觀察對象,結果纔會比較客觀。而且呢!還不能直接的去內部觀察它,要盡可能用來自外部、不會引起干擾的間接方式去觀察它,甚至得把它視為處在一片很容易受到擾動的纖毫絲網之上的一隻噤聲不語又驚若寒顫的小生物呢!(P.S. 此處「國」解為「比較封閉而固定的範圍」;「賓」解為「來自外部而極少引起干擾的間接觀察方式 ;「王」解為「网」或「網」,似乎相當於 English 中的 web 或 weave 。)

九五:觀我生,君子无咎。/ 變卦山地剝 -- 既然觀察物體還是要透過我們自己的視覺神經及腦部的光資訊處理區域來解讀,所以就算怎麼抽絲剝繭的去觀察和分析,最後得到的真相還是來自於自我的大腦中、境由心生而顯示的影像,絕不是被觀察對象實實在在的真相啊!既然觀察一事本來就有如此的缺陷,那又怎麼忍心去苛責那些一生都在努力追求真相的君子們呢?

上六:觀其生,君子无咎。/ 變卦水地比 -- 既然觀察物體也須要被觀察的對象發生一定的訊息,纔能加以接收和解讀,那麼它發出的訊息是否也和不同的觀察者相互關連呢?也就是説,同一個被觀察的對象,也可能會比對每一個觀察者,然後向不同的觀察者發出不同的訊息,從而導致了不同的觀察結果呢!既然觀察一事有因人而異的可能,那麼君子們又何必對相異的觀察結果感到意外呢?

"Owl bird always opened its big round eyes and watched in the dark night, that's why 'ob' was placed in front of this English word - observe."

"That's not surprising me, because this Hanese word '觀' was just pictured as a standing and a watching owl bird in its ancient pictogram, and it had the meaning of 'observe'."

"Actually, we can't observe everything by our naked eyes, something are invisible, something are out of our visual abilities. Such like winds, micro objects, very fast trembling and moving, ......"

"That's why those ancient scientists invented some optical instruments to assist their observation. The light rays could be gathered through a little hole and clearly focused on the sighted point of eyes. At least they could watch something from very long distance or observe those micro-biota's activities......."

"But, do you think the object which you are observing will frankly show you its real face? It might be impacted by observer, even shows its different reactions to different observers......"

"Everyone might get a part of the truth from an object, but not whole of the truth, that’s just a subjective observation......Because no one can observe something without watching, and how much time can you spend for watching ?....... "

"Do you really like paying a lot of time to observe something?"

"Of course, that's why we have sensibilities, but actually I more like what you talk,.......your words......."

"I just try to translate the original author's words in 易經, I know I can't do it perfectly......Those ancient words were translated again and again by many writers during thousands years."

"What's the perfect truth? Do you really run for it?.......Sometimes the truth just exists between suited minds and companions. You can't ignore who you like and what you expect, these might be the truth......"

"That's the sincerely truthful knowledge growing with friendly consciousnesses, though they are innocent at first or temporally misunderstand about many things, they frankly and open-mind to talk with each others."

"Something couldn't be made sure from someone, so they started to find more ‘or’, more ‘tho’, more ‘also’, and try to reach perfect thought about truth........"

"Old owl birds knew! Unidentified flying objects couldn't be observed perfectly without concerning the other opinions of small owlets......"

"Arch was built by many stones, it's not mono, then the keystone was set further.......The final conclusion just like a key answer, to built a grand grand arch might never have the opportunity to set a keystone on its top......"

"What you say reminds me think about the path of skylight,......the patio of the Pantheon, that might be the entrance of spirits or angels, they might tell us more real facts for building the more perfect truth......"


"Knowledge is knowledge, but how to transfer the knowledge of useful things?......That's about suitable thoughts, it might be some kind of sustainable way......"

"I know, the best way is ‘my way’.......Everyone hoped to live by their own way, but most of the time they just surrounded an obvious object and tried to get the temporal satisfaction......Actually, sometimes they might feel sad, because of losing what they really need, because of what they got was not really suited for themselves......."

"That's why the next qua 噬嗑 was going to talk about the suit, about the suitable consciousnesses or just-matched designing......"

"Is that the grand design? Or God's creation?......"

"I think many ancient people had ever tried to find a meaningful and suitable way of living forever, that's why there were many philosophies and predictive scripts, even some kind of astrology were interpreted and arranged......"

"Why calendar was created? Why map was graphed? Why the plan and schedule were made? Why the designing were developed?.......The observations were gradually transferred to many suitable ways for each individual life!......"

"That's the grand world of life, everyone might get the suitable space to live in a harmonious universe........"

"Is that another reason why ‘觀’ sounded like 'grand'.......In a grand designing world, we have better to open our owl-eyes to search what's really suitable and just matched with us........."

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

19. 臨 000011 地澤-坤兌 (Quarter 2-2)

元亨,利貞。至於八月有凶。-- 土地豐收本來是使人精神飽滿、興致高昂的事,但是到了接近農曆八月十五日中秋月圓前後期間,遠離故鄉開墾土地的人卻可能陷入思鄉情緒的困擾、心情在喜悅和憂愁間擺盪。此時如果能品嚐到家鄉的口味,也許能稍微減輕思念的焦慮感呢!品嚐不是大口吞吃,因為人體口中的味蕾或味覺接受器就分佈在舌的表面或邊緣,找到重點、點到為止,這就是品味,這就是「臨」。

初九:咸臨,貞吉。/ 變卦地水師 -- 品味著重的是實際接觸的感受及邊緣效應,並且能偵測出明顯的結果。如同一大池混在一起的水,局部淺嚐就大約能偵測全部;又如同品嚐一大杯酒,沾一小口就大約能偵測一整杯。

九二:咸臨,吉,无不利。/ 變卦地雷復 -- 品味著重的是實際接觸的感受及邊緣效應,但是要經過一再重複的偵測都得到相同的結果,纔能加以確定。一般飲食以鹹味居多,因為鹽可以減緩新鮮食物腐化的速度,高濃度的鹽甚至可以醃漬食物、長期保存食物,只要是帶有一點點鹹味的食物多半沒有太大的問題。

六三:甘臨,无攸利。既憂之,无咎。/ 變卦地天泰 -- 品嚐甜味的食物,雖然滋味甘甜可口,但是卻不能掉以輕心,尤其不要一下子吃太多。甜味的食品熱量較高,嚐了容易有飽足感,似乎可以緩解心情空虛引起的憂鬱、寬鬆情緒。但是,如果長期大量嗜甜成癮,卻可能過度福泰或肥胖,這有什麼好意外的呢?

六四:至臨,无咎。/ 變卦雷澤歸妹 -- 為了某種嚮往的美好品味,就會不斷的去提煉、研發、追求極致的境界,這有什麼好奇怪的呢?寄希望於燦爛豐富的美好未來,不就是人心歸屬的方向嗎?

六五:智臨,大君之宜吉。/ 變卦水澤節 -- 對於知識和智慧的品味,往往反映了一位大君的心境,這通常可以從他結交的友誼和喜好的事物看得出來。誰會漫無節制、沒有選擇的攬盡一切呢?

上六:敦臨,吉,无咎。/ 變卦山澤損 -- 品味不一定是天生和固定的,是可以慢慢轉化和交融、醞釀出獨特的品味,這有什好奇怪的呢?就好像山林和湖澤互相浸漬交流,久而久之就產生新的物種,彼此雖然有些微耗損,卻得以造就新的生命。

"Tasting is based on sense, then you might feel salty, sweet, bitter, acid, hot, cool, and the other spices,.........and so on."

"Close to meal and sense it on the edge. Look, smell, slightly touch or lick by tongue to feel it,......this is so called 臨,......this is so called marginal effect."

"A little part of all might reveal the whole information to you, especially when you taste blended drink, juice, wine and single material food, such like rice, flour products, noodle......."

"An ancient Hanese legend told me, there was a mysterious agricultural work-team named 神農氏, they had ever tasted and chosen many kinds of vegetable for people, even became the first medical doctors in humankind's civilization......."

"So, 臨 is also related to choosing, choose by tasting......."

"Then you might think, what about testing? Did the standard principle of tasting build the testing with some methods or formulas for examining?......"

"That's why the last words in the last qua 蠱 revealed those mountains-agricultural farmers chose some of the plants or trees to cultivate. They might try to plant by more purifying ways for food supplying during the second quarter of humankind's civilization."

"Do you mean......the first quarter of humankind's civilization was corrupted by some kind of severe pollution?........That's horrible enough!......"

"No matter what, as you trying to link with something, you might search, find, know, slightly connect with it at first,...... and then you might feel good and eager to lean on it......That's why 臨 sounded like 'lín' in Hanese. It might involve the meaning of 'link'....."

"Not just linking, it's also some kind of lapping......As you are tasting something, something is also testing the reactions of your body and mind......"

"What you appreciate or prefer will become a part of your circumstance, even overlap with your body, overlap with your mind. And after a period of time, it might become a part of your habits."

"It's the subjective observation and reaction in your body and mind, but indeed less to consider the other objective feelings."

"It might become a grammar in your cultivation, in your cultural contexts,......construct your consistency, your county, country, even continent by your conquering mind,......continually extending to everywhere you are until you give up the subjective way and try to consider the other objective factors....."


"Objective factors are based on objective observation, that's why next qua 觀 was going to talk about the guarding observation."

"觀 sounded like 'guan' in Hanese, its pictogram looked like an owl bird with big eyes was just carefully watching its aimed object from a side. It also seemed like a guard with the guarantee of observational detecting. That's so called 觀察."

Sometimes the changes of the great natural were out of our minds, but many scientists kept paying attention to observe everything and tried to find the natural laws.

We couldn't get the information which out of our observations, that's why we were always afraid of a strange little planet might coincidentally rush to the earth and destroy the civilizations in our world. But the atmosphere above earth might be the wonderful covering and protective shelter on the earth's edge.

The atmosphere might follow the edge-effecting to taste and lap the strange little planet at first as it moving closer to earth. And then, its some parts will become exhausted dusts, some parts will become living factors,........flow in the winds, flow in the water, flow in our bodies and minds.............

For the name of living beings, we just seem like the earth,.......linked and linked, ran and ran, kept detecting and observing everything from each angle........

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

2013年10月3日 星期四

18. 蠱 100110 山風-艮巽 (Quarter 2-1)

元亨,利涉大川。先甲三日,後甲三日。-- 山林樹蔭的陰涼之處往往是蟲子或微生物大量繁殖的所在,甚至會產生蠱毒瘴癘之氣。在山嵐霧氣瀰漫之時,務必讓元神意識保持通暢銳利、保持清醒,纔能安然渡過大河川。新的發端明顯開始之前往往有醞釀擴張的繁殖期,之後也有收斂停息的安定期,病原體的形成和傳播也是如此。(P.S. 依照古代曆法以「甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸」循環記日的順序,先甲三日為辛,後甲三日為丁,合計約一週的時間。此處「辛」解為新」或「激發」,「丁」解為「停」或「安定」。)

初六:幹父之蠱,有子,考無咎,厲終吉。/ 變卦山天大畜 -- 樹幹上的枝葉長了許多蟲子或微生物,或是留下好像被蟲子啃蝕的斧劈狀痕跡,然而樹木還能結成果實、生出種子,經過考察,這是沒有大礙的,雖然覺得好像很危險,但終歸有好的結果。想辦法讓陽光照射到山林樹蔭的陰涼之處,就有大豐收和大積蓄的可能。(P.S. 此處的「父」在最初的《易經》原本中可能是一個象徵「枝葉」的符號,或是代表枝葉狀的斧頭,相當於英文中的 branch with leaf 或 ax,而不是現在指稱 「父親」的「父」字,如此纔合乎此卦記載「原始山林農學」的本意。以下各爻之「父」字皆以此義解之。)

九二:幹毌之蠱,不可貞。/ 變卦艮為山 -- 貫穿在樹幹內部而安定、習慣與共生的蟲子或微生物,往往從外表難以偵察出來。就像一重一重的山脈一樣,樹幹內部也是一層一層包覆的結構,從外層是看不到內層的。此時如果執意想要偵測清楚,有可能會把它們逼到更內層去,或是到處亂竄,那麼就更難處理了。(P.S. 此處以「貫」字的原生字 「毌」字取代一般坊間《易經》版本中可能誤傳的「母」字,接近 English 的 through 或 grammar 的意思,如此纔合乎此卦記載「原始山林農學」的本意。)

九三:幹父之蠱,小有悔,無大咎。/ 變卦山水蒙 -- 樹幹上的枝葉長了許多蟲子或微生物,少數枝葉甚至有發霉、萎縮、腐爛的現象,好像蒙上一層霧氣般的細微斑點,這是濕氣高又不通風而產生的自然現象。就像長時間穿著不透氣的鞋子,腳趾長了足癬或濕疹一樣,有什麼好大驚小怪的呢?

六四:裕父之蠱,往見吝。/ 變卦火風鼎 -- 當粗厚的樹木和寬大的樹葉都出現長蠱的現象,這樹幹的生長將可能無法避免的走向枯朽和腐化的困境,而且這種長蠱的現象還可能漫延到其它的樹木。此時,突然出現的火光,就可能和帶有助燃性質的、類似沼氣般的蠱毒瘴癘之氣產生爆炸般的變化反應,一把大火似的把森林都化為灰燼呢!

六五:幹父之蠱,用,譽。/ 變卦巽為風 -- 樹幹上的枝葉雖然長了許多蟲子或微生物,但是在一陣陣強風與旋風的吹襲之下還能堅強的挺立不拔。可以通過這種考驗的樹木,是值得讚美、命名和栽培的。

上九:不事王侯,高尚其事。/ 變卦地風升 -- 樹幹終於長高長粗了,它伸展高升的枝葉就像尊貴的皇冠一樣,如此鮮活、如此脫俗。它不像是一般在城市中樹立於王侯宮庭內院中的類型,而是在山野裡歷經艱難而成長的、無比高尚與獨樹一格的典型呢!


隨著《易經》隱含玄機的文字、參考古代象形文字演化的軌跡、兼顧拼音文字可能的關連,我在海灘上逐字思索解讀......而 Mermaid E. 彷彿也攜帶和感應著那些在大海洋流裡蘊藏的、漂盪的、曾經沈沒在深水中的神秘封箴和斷簡殘篇的記憶碎片,激起我更多的聯想......

"I think some ancient people finally got to the top of the highest mountain before the sunset of their civilization during last qua - 隨卦, then they started to develop mountain-agricultural civilization in this qua and move on the way of the second quarter in 易經."

"That must be a hard work for them, because they might try to live with many strange beasts and trees, countless insects and micro-biota, even germs in the numerous googol......."

"Do you feel this word 蠱 also looked like something with the characters of liquid and goo, something could not be identified clearly?"

"I see, actually 蠱 is sounded like 'gǔ' in Hanese, just like 'goo' in English!......And it involves a symbol of dish - 皿."

"It might contain some kind of gas, and might harm the nervous system of the human body, so called marsh gas which might contain the nerve-toxin and might be flammable."

"That's a reason why sometimes the forest on the mountain might be flamed by flashing thunder or falling meteor even the heat inside the mountain and burst out burning a lot of trees to dusts......."

"But from the words of this qua, I think they finally got many good experiences in mountain life after a period of time, even got some medical knowledge for curing......"

"Maybe you already know, there was a famous and magically medical doctor called 華陀 in ancient Hanese medical culture......華 meant many vivid flowers on a cluster, and 陀 just looked like micro-biota besides a series of mountains......."

"As you live in a dangerous circumstance, if you could save yourself and survive from many kinds of sicknesses or diseases, then you might become a good doctor. That's so called 久病成良醫.......I think this is the true spirit of this qua....."


"Actually, there are numerous micro-biota and germs live with the body-cells in the human body, if we regard the human body as a dish, then human just like a 蠱......"

"Not only human, but also every animal and plant......"

"So, what can we do to our body? Our body might be just a battlefield or paradise of those glutting micro-biota and germs......."

"Maybe we don't have to do anything when they fight each others, just take a comfortable rest, make sure our minds are still clear, and don't let our minds become their battle field......."

"Yes! The most dangerous situation of our body is losing our minds, even occupied by the hallucinations which might be caused by the nerve-toxin released from their massive waste. This situation might let us lose our sense and movable abilities for everything......"

"Maybe we should not eat too much, because our body might get too much waste and get the disease. And when those micro-biota and germs fight on the battlefields inside our bodies, I think drink more fresh water can cease their fires and clean out more waste......"

"Then how to eat? Is it related to our tastes or appreciations?"

"That's why the next qua - 臨 was going to talk about tasting. It seemed like temporarily choose something to try before really take it or surely have it......"

"I see, This Hanese word '臨' might be sounded like 'lick' in ancient time, just like taste something by tongue.....That's why it remains a sound 'li' in its modern spelling 'lin' till now......"

"But I think 臨 had more meanings except lick and taste, such like near to, close to, temporal,........We must consider that ancient Hanese  writers had ever expressed many things with very less words,.......and all the words in 易經 might be changeablezoomablele and flexible for reading......"

"If we supposed 易經 was left from the last civilization of humankind, then all the existing words in 易經 might be the awesome survival words for expressing the true situation of the last civilization."

Sometimes I felt 蠱 might be related to glue, glucose, ferment, yeast, mold,.......and so on, because of some germs were really put to use in humankind's food production for a long time and regarded as good germs to our healthy bodies......

Mermaid E. pointed a cluster of flowers besides the villa house and said "Do you see that? So many bees pick sweet nectar at the dish like flowers, is it also looked like a 蠱?"

I must suspect sometimes I take sweet cakes and sugars even cigars might be just trying to pass through the gloomily cold days........

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


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