康侯用錫馬蕃庶,晝日三接。-- 包覆迷彩偽裝或匿蹤塗料的外殼、像箭矢般的武裝偵察載人飛行器,採用金屬合金製成的機械戰馬或動力馬達推進的行動載具,外加傳播通訊裝置與遮蔽掩護的各式裝備和行動支援,我們在一個白晝中就接到多次前往火線戰地偵測的任務。能源動力技術的晉階發展,使得戰爭方式也明顯跟著改變。(P.S. 此處「康」字可能與 English 中的 camouflage 相通,類似迷彩、繁複、遮蔽、匿蹤、錯覺等偽裝隱匿技術之意。「侯」解爲「箭矢般的載人飛行器」。「錫」解爲「易質合成金屬」或「合金」。「蕃」解爲「傳播」。「庶」解爲「遮蔽」。「三」代表「多」。)
初六:晉如摧如,貞吉,罔孚裕,無咎。/ 變卦火雷噬嗑 -- 隨著能源技術和戰爭方式的晉級改變,大地如同著了火一般,戰場上的一切似乎都被摧毀了。偵測到的情報訊息都在連結著電訊網路系統的超大寬螢幕顯示器中呈現、景深充裕的浮顯出來,這有什麼好意外的呢?......在雷電般震撼的閃光和爆炸聲中,戰場上所有的東西都好像被大火吞噬了!
六二:晉如愁如,貞吉,受茲介福,于其王毌。/ 變卦火水未濟 -- 能源動力系統的不斷晉級,有如使大地逐漸燃燒起來,甚至讓人對氣候變遷和能源缺乏感到一愁莫展。偵測的結果是:利用可以轉換連續力為電流的強磁性物質作為輻射能源發電的媒介,就能建立供電效率更高的網路系統和慣性運轉的穩定電力。但是,如果未來不能維持導引大量的水流來持續冷卻這種發電裝置內部產生的火熱高溫,還是無濟於事啊!(P.S.此處修改一般坊間《易經》版本中可能誤傳的「母」為「毌」,以還原「毌」在此卦中的「慣性運轉」之意。此處「王」解爲「供電網路系統」。)
六三:眾允,悔無。/ 變卦火山旅 -- 輻射能源供電系統需要大量資金的投入,而且如果要得到大眾的認可和允許,還必須確保任何缺漏都不能發生,纔不會發生後悔莫及的意外事故。一旦發電機組發生破裂的災變,可能就像火山爆發出污染環境的氣體和落塵一般,災難風暴的衝擊將會飄洋過海、展開漫延甚廣的災難旅程啊!
九四:晉如鼫鼠,貞厲。/ 變卦山地剝 -- 在能源系統晉階發展之下,輻射能源驅動裝置也可能被運用在各種大型的移動載具上,這將使許多舟車如同攜帶傳染病毒的大鼠般到處橫行,一旦輻射能源發動機具發生爆炸或剝裂的事故,有毒的輻射物質便可能到處散播,那真是太危險了!
六五:悔亡,失得勿恤,往吉,無不利。/ 變卦天地否 -- 如果大家都不擔憂輻射物質造成傷亡而後悔莫及,又不計較投資的得失,那麼就去進行輻射能源發電場的研究設置吧!小心謹慎的進行、做好抗震阻震等防護措施,結果應該不會無利可圖的!但是,設置的地點可不能接近人口稠密的城市,最好是另謀一處偏僻的小天地啊!
上九:晉其角,維用伐邑。厲,吉,無咎,貞吝。/ 變卦雷地豫 -- 最後,晉階發展的大型輻射能源發電場被決定設置在濱海處安全的角落,離地架設在隔空防震的堅固平台上;一方面可以維持引用不虞潰乏的海水來冷卻發電機組運轉時內部產生的高溫,一方面可以讓供電網路沿著海岸線經由設置電力控制閥的通電管道連結幾個境內正在進行都市開發或都市更新的部份城市、提高供電效益。當輻射能源供電系統開始穩定運轉之時,有人仍然覺得危險不安,也有人開始高興歡喜,這有什麼好意外的呢?此時,最應該密切偵測的是強烈地震和其它意外災禍可能引起的大災難啊!(P.S.此處「伐」解爲控制或管理,相當於「閥」、valve。「邑」解爲「境內部份城市」或 part cities、伙合連結城市或經濟共同體。「吝」解爲「密切」或「仔細」。)
"Sometimes the new generation was created by its progressively powerful generator which was related to new energy recourse and integrative advance in the technological invention."
"Actually the lyrics of this qua had obviously described the technological invention of nuclear power plant and its powerful impact in ancient humankind's civilization, and it's hexagram image '101000' was consisted as fire above the earth, that makes me feel a little uneasy........."
"At beginning, the original author of The I.E. Scripture noted that they served as the scouts in the battle fields. With the speedy stealth flying aircrafts under covered by the brushing paint of stealthily hidden technology, took some other alloy metal vehicles or mechanical war-horses which was fitted with powerful motors, they usually wore camouflage suits, carried accurate detectors and communicating equipments, and went to the war zone many times during a day for the missions of investigation."
"In the first yao, they described the big flames and flashing thunders were exploding and burning to destroy everything in the battle fields. The detectable information and the lively horrible scenes about the war zone were instantly shown on the big monitors or television-screens which connected with broadcast camera systems."
"The new generation war in this qua must be very shockable! That's why the title of this qua was called '晉', this word was just sounded like 'gen' and might have some other extending meanings about 'genera', 'general' and 'generation', even 'generator'."
"Yes! Due to the development of progressive energy technology, the great earth seemed to become hot like burning, and they kept searching more powerful radiation energy resources and higher magnetic materials as the medium of power to supply the generators for getting more stable and plenty electricity. They also mentioned that the new power generators must need mass flowing water to cool down its very hot temperature while it was working. These severe situations were noted in the second yao."
"In the third yao, the policy about the nuclear power plant seemed like be discussed in public congress, because of the large investment and consent from the citizens were indeed necessary. They also worried about if radiation materials leaked out from nuclear power plants in some kind of damage events, that might cause great amount disasters, just like the exploding volcano have mass destructing power."
"In the fourth yao, they kept discussing the questions about fitting the nuclear power generators in some other transporting tools which might involve very big vehicles and battleships, even submarines......, and also worried about those nuclear power moving tools just like some kind of the giant rats might carry dangerous virus or poison and travel to everywhere."
"Then, in the fifth yao and the last yao, they seemed like cautiously make a conclusion and decide to build the nuclear power plant above the ground at a small suburban corner near to the seaside and far away from the big cities, because of they could use the plenty sea water to cool down the fever aroused by the radiation reaction in nuclear power generator and easily supply the rich electricity to cover some renewed cities along the seashore in some parts of the country land.........And it might cost a great deal of investment and insurance while its related experiment and construction were continuely proceeding........"
"Finally, as the big dream of new generational generator coming true and stably working, many people were happy and glad to hear, but some people seemed like still feel uncomfortable and worry about its latent dangerousness.........."
"Wait a moment!....... Do you feel this Hanese word '晉' which involves a pair of horizontal parallel lines with small interval and a solar symbol '日' might have been symbolized some kind of the ancient solar energy power generator with solar panel system by its simplified word-pictogram?...... That might be their another choice for creating the sustainably electrical power!......"
"Actually, I had ever heard that the Solar......the Sun was just a very giant and powerful nuclear reactor!...... If they could find a high efficient method to use its energy, that would be a great advance......"
"In a sense, nuclear power plant might bring gigantically stable electricity power and support the peaceful humankind’s society toward more speedily developing era, but the worst concerns were how to prevent the civilizational great energy power system from damage and corruption which caused by the natural disasters and the other unknown ruining events."
"When the remarkably scientific technology was successfully created with the anxiety about its safety, we might wonder why many gorgeous ancient civilizations had been ruined or disappeared, if we could find the reasonable factors related with their lost, we might not go forward to the wrong destined ways as same as those lost civilizations......."
"That's why the next qua '明夷' was going to talk about trying to understand more mineral and unclear things, such like the business of archeology or scientific discovery. As matter of fact, the radiation technology could help archeologists to reveal more deeply buried and mineral objects under the grounds."
"Mine.......min-e.......'明夷' which sounded as 'ming-yi' in modern Chinese, this is another evidence that the original author of The I.E. Scripture might have been combined multiple languages in one text."
"I suspect the original author of The I.E. Scripture might wish someday and someone who recognizes the multiple languages will accurately decode the meanings about this mysterious scripture....... Especially someone who sensibly understands both of the alphabet words and pictogram words."
"Do you know there had been an empire called '晉朝' or Jin Dynasty in Hanese history, their emperor was just coming from a royal occupation which was skillful in handling and training saddle horses?...... During that time, these ancient people might get more powerfully transporting technology to expand their traveling trips. And then, followed the Jin Dynasty was just a long period of multiple languages times and mixed with some kind of chaotic situation."
"Yes, I know........... After those chaotic times, a very great empire which called '唐朝' or Tang Dynasty was built later, it was also the first dynasty in Hanese history, which formally sent emissary to the ancient India or Hindu for learning and translating some holy scriptures about Buddhism."
"西遊記...... Journey To The West, a famous classic novel written by 吳承恩 during the Ming Dynasty was just telling a mythological and funny legend about a Buddhist monk and translator 玄奘 who had been traveled to India during Tang Dynasty."
"I think that awesome novel's writer must have been made a bi-language pun joke about monk and monkey, because of he described that there were three fellows accompanied that famous monk 玄奘 to India, and one of them was called 孫悟空 who owned supernatural power and had ever been a beautiful Monkey King of a monkey kingdom in a mountain with flowers and fruits."
"I'm not surprised if concern the writer of Journey To The West was skillful in handling multiple languages, even English words....... Maybe the modern legend story of the science-fiction cinema King Kong was just inspired by the major character Monkey King - 孫悟空 from the first chapter in that old novel!"
"Actually, I doubt English might have a close relationship with ancient Hanese pictograms words which were created in the period of '殷商時代' or Yin-Shang Dynasty about three thousand more years ago. In language world, English is very young, but it came from Englics or Anglo-Saxon language, and Anglo-Saxons might be a lost tribe of the '殷商文明' or Yin-Shang Civilization."
"Some words in English still keep the original meanings of ancient oracle bone scripts's words in Yin-Shang Civilization, which were confused or lost in following Hanese texts later."
"Furthermore, 'angel' in English seems like '天使' in Hanese, and 'Angels' was their ancestor. The word 'Anglo' just came from 'Angels' and based from Englics in ancient English language -- Anglo-Saxon language. The 'angel' was normally described that they just looked like bird have two wings in European myths or legends. As a matter of fact, '殷商' or Yin-Shang people just had been selected the mystical bird to be their totem."
"That mystical bird was called '玄鳥' in ancient Hanese classical poetic scripture --'詩經', and sounded like 'hiânjiào' in Taiwanese, do you feel it's similar to 'angel' if we considered it is 'hi-ânjiào', might have the meaning about 'angel from the high sky'. In fact, some lyrics in that old poetic scripture told that mystical bird came from the sky and landed on earth, then born the Shang or Shong on the Yin-land or Eng-land."

【殷商玄鳥玉雕 -- An ancient jade sculpture about the Yin-Shang people's totem "Mystical Bird". (圖片採自網路)】
【公元六世紀 Anglo-Saxon 盾牌鳥飾 -- An Anglo-Saxon shield ornament with bird sculpture during sixth century AD from the collection of the British Museum in London, English. (圖片採自網路)】
"Anglo-Saxons had been the tribe which traveled most distantly and migrated toward the very western terminal land near to the Atlanic Ocean during European Migration Period. They had the awesome character of adventurous and migrating abilities as same as the '殷商人' or Yin-Shang people."
"If concern the ancient Hanese language in the original Central Plain in China might sound more similar to East-Southern Chinese or Taiwanese language, then these two Hanese words '殷商' might be sounded more closely to Yin-Shong or Eng-Xong, is that more similar to Anglo-Saxon?"
"The vocal sounds about the words might be similar in different languages, but what about their meanings came from?...… What about Saxon?......"
"Some of the archeologists had been found that the word 'Saxon' might be based from a kind of Saxon-knife which was called 'Seax', if concerned that the ancient Hanese also had some kind of knife which was marked as '弋' and sounded like 'ea', could it enhance more possible about my exposition?"
"The other possibility is the 'Seax' might have been translated from a metal material's Hanese name '錫' which sounded like 'si' or 'xi', such material was normally used in the production of ancient knife for preventing the metal's oxidization...... History is always an enigma, because of going back to the past time-space is not easy, unless we get a time machine which is able to catch the information about the real history........."
One evening, I sat on the beach side by side with Mermaid E. for watching the sunset-scape. The colorful shining light of the sunset above the sea waves looked like the burning fire.
If the end of an old generation just like the evening of the daytime, I thought the next morning might be the start of a new generation.........
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