2014年12月15日 星期一

克之謎 - 吶喊的重量





據此而言,「克」字的本意很可能接近 English 中的 curse,有呼號上帝降禍於...、爲難於...、詛咒、咒罵、咒語、罵人的話......等意思,後來也引申出克服、克制一類的含意,甚至被「五行生克學說」用來當作其中的術語。

納悶的是,English 中有「課程」意義的 course 發音幾乎接近 curse,似乎使人聯想到:古人在教導兒童時,是否可能把「面臨危險時必須大聲呼號求援」當作生活教育中的基礎求生課程呢?

「克」字之所以演化爲帶有「ㄦ」的符號,第一個可能是因為象形字本來已有弱小兒童的身形及蜷曲身體的狀態,第二個可能是與 curse 的捲舌音相互影響。

就筆者所知,周代春秋戰國時期漢字可能還保存著「克」字與 English 中 curse 之間的密切關聯,例如:《論語·憲問》中有所謂「克、伐、怨、尤不行焉,可以為仁矣。」ㄧ語,可能就是說「Curse (詛咒、咒罵)、Force (起音接近「伐」,意思是武力威脅或強行管制)、怨懟、詬病,都是不可行的呀!可以有所作為的只是推己及人和將心比心的仁道而已!」



此外,文字學中也有一種說法是:「克」是古代描述刻劃獸皮的意思,也可能代表古人雕花或紋身的精緻技藝。就此而言,「克」是否也有恰到好處的性質或契合、互補、just match、catch someone's mind 的意義呢?例如:「不克前往」就是因為赴約的時刻或地點恰好不對或不在可以調控的範圍。

值得一提的是,「克」之所以後來也被用來當作重量的小單位、相當於 English 中的 gram,除了上述帶有「可以控制」的特點之外,可能還有其它原因:從另一個觀點來看,甲骨文「克」字很像一個植物的小花杯,或是一種古代帶有提把的小型量杯,也就是和 English 的 cup 同義而且發音相近,皆以 k 聲起音,並且甲骨文「克」的確很像有個朝上開口的 C 或 U,裡面還有一條水平線,再加上下面有個很像 P 的符號呢!


從上述「克」與 cup 相關的線索來看,似乎可以看出「克」字的含意又和 English 的 boycott 有關,就是也有所謂「杯葛」的意思,這也許正是來自象形字「克」原本可能的描述:弱小孩童在遇到危險時高聲呼號喊叫。

至於古代文本中的「克」字,實際上也有「求告上帝」或「向天求告」或「傳達清楚的訊息給天神或上帝」之意,可能與 English 的 curse 也帶有「向 God 呼號」的意思相似。古代的祭典可能沒那麼神秘,不過是聚集四方部落或諸侯一起参加的正式慶典或國際、州際、部落際等比較 inter... 的大型聚會,當然也可能包括各地宗教方面的交流,以及ㄧ起禱告上帝、求助於天神保庇的儀式,甚至衍生出 choral (讚美詩或聖詩) 的合唱頌讚。

例如:《詩經.大雅.桑柔》裡有「 后稷不克,上帝不臨。」ㄧ語,意思可能是「后稷不向天求告,上帝就不會降臨。」。



曾經有一部電影,片名被譯爲「靈魂的重量」,English title 是「21 Grams」,也就是「21克」。 那麼,「吶喊的重量」又是幾克呢?

【附圖:「靈魂的重量」(21 Grams) 電影海報 (圖片採自網路)】

由於早期「克」字中也包含了古代表示計量數字「十」的符號,那麼當時一個「克」(gram) 是否等於十個 cup (小型量杯) 容納的水重呢?而當時一個 cup 的容積是否就是 0.1 立方公分或 0.1 毫升或 0.1 c.c.呢?

根據上述的數字關係,如果按照古人可能做過的計算,把小孩每次吶喊可能蒸發的口水重量算成 0.1 克,那麼一克重是否相當於十次小孩吶喊的重量呢?


P.S. 相關文章:LS.文本/文字的堂奧與空間

Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

2014年12月7日 星期日



「士」、「事」發音相近,台閩語中的 dâijî 意思相當於「事」、台灣語音漢字通常把台閩語 dâijî 寫爲「代誌」,也說明了「士」與「事」、「志」、「誌」、「記」的關連性,而「事」字在古代正是有出使外地從事代理記錄及代理書記工作的性質。(P.S. 早期台閩語 dâijî 這個發音更可能是「大事」之意,因爲漢字「事」有某種口音的發音就近似台閩語「誌」。所以,如果台閩語的語音漢字「代誌」兩字不是「大事」的意思,那麼就可能純粹只是轉換自 thing 這類的拼音文字,即 thing = t合點人誌 =  t合丶亻誌 = 弋亻誌 = 代誌,其中 n 約略象徵漢字「人」的篆文字體而旁通漢文「亻」,則通過字母本音約略形聲台閩語之語音漢字「誌」的發音;或是 thing = T合弋聯誌 = 亻合弋聯誌 = 代誌。)

「士」、「師」發音相近,古代需要運用符號、圖形、文字來做事的人也稱「仕」,又稱「士人」,後世甚至和讀書人、取得入門資格或專門資格的基層官員或專業職稱被劃上等號,例如:士師、進士、士大夫(可能等同於 staff )、謀士、策士、方士、術士、巫士、修士、道士、俠士、騎士、衛士、護士、武士、戰士、士兵、士官、學士、碩士、博士、技術士、記帳士、傳教士......等。

由此可知,「士」是「志」、「誌」等字的組合符號中一個基本的符號,本來是作記號、號誌、標誌、記錄、sign.....等意思,甚至可能和 Greek 語言中的 sigma 相通,有總合、總括、團結爲一體等類似的意義。

「志」、「誌」與「士」的不同可能在於:「志」偏向默記在心中的方式,而不是有形塗寫的記號;「誌」是有關「志」的實質記載或訊息傳達;「士」則是在地上做記號的意思,也就是表達作記號這類意義的比較原始的符號,可能類似 English 中 sign 的意思,其漢字發音的 shì (北京話或台灣國語或華語) 或 sú (台閩語),甚至 English 中的 soldier 等等似乎也和 sign 有相近的來源。這可能也是爲何 English 中的 site 也帶有 sign 的相關性,因爲要調查和測量某處土地或基地,應該會作ㄧ些伴隨測量工作進行的標誌記號。


因此,「士」又可能指一種探索或開墾邊境叢林荒野的先鋒部隊,而「士」字的象形字最初可能就是表示 signer、sight-man、surveyor、settler 或 soldier ㄧ類的團隊在某個地點或地上做出標誌或記號 (sign),並且當時那個記號的總括符號,其形狀可能就是「士」字中的那個「十」,而 English 中的 sign 其實也有「畫十字」的意思。










另ㄧ個和「士」有重要關係的字,也就是和「士」發音相近的「是」。因爲,「是」可能有「走向坦途」或「走向日出光明之地」的意思,也可能有 sure 或「確定」的意思,這也是 English 中的 survey 帶有 sure 的一半意義的原因。古代闢荊斬棘的「士」爲了 make sure 、確定一處可以定居的位址,可能必須做好基地測量調查的工作。可以想見,遠古的「士」常常肩負重任、帶著光明,把荊棘坎坷之地建設爲邁向坦途的文明根基。


綜合上述,在作爲古代事務職稱的總體概念時,最切合「士」的性質的ㄧ個字,也許應該是類似 English 的 trustee (複數 trustees 發音類似漢字古語「多士」),有受信任的人、受委託的人、受託執行或管理的人......等意思呢!

P.S. 相關文章:LS.文本/文字的堂奧與空間

Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

2014年10月29日 星期三



P.S.「一紙空間」(One Paper Space,簡稱OPS) 顧名思義就是可以由僅僅摺疊一張紙所產生的空間模型來建構的空間或造型。

相關文章: LS.摺本凝結的紙語

Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

2014年10月18日 星期六

34. 大壯 001111 雷天-震乾 (Quarter 3-2)

利貞。 -- 面對強大的界限就像眼前有一座堅固壯盛的要塞城堡、難以通行的藩籬大牆。一般而言,如果想要突破它的禁錮或防衛,就得事先做好精密準確的偵測和計劃,佈置「震天雷」一類的密集炸彈來震撼爆破。

初九:壯于趾,征凶,有孚。/ 變卦雷風恆 -- 堅固壯盛的城牆通常配備了精良的防禦措施、立足於穩固的基礎位址,不是可以輕易逼近和穿越突破的,但是卻能經由震動的氣流在城牆內外互相傳遞可以辨認或清楚浮顯的訊號。這樣的空氣震動如果持續不斷,就可能產生爆破城牆的力量。

九二:貞吉。/ 變卦雷火豐 -- 偵測的結果是:如果採用火藥製造出可以瞬間產生大量而密集的震動訊號來鼓動空氣,就可能在頃刻間爆破瓦解堅固的城牆。用這種原理製造出來的強大武器,也包括那些看起來很像「豐」字形的「雷火陣列多管多彈頭火箭投射器」。

九三:小人用壯,君子用罔,貞厲。羝羊觸藩,羸其角。/ 變卦雷澤歸妹 -- 既然瓦解堅固壯盛的城牆沒有想像中困難,為何少數人還是執意建築城牆來防衛城市呢?君子認為應該採用雷電網或電磁屏幕來替代城牆,同時也有偵測危險的作用。如果來犯的敵群觸及連接著高能量蓄電池的「雷電藩籬」,將會立刻變得虛弱而失去戰鬥角力的攻擊能力,這是未來城市防禦最好的方式啊!(P.S.此處「雷澤」有「電池」的含意。)

九四:貞吉,悔無。藩決不羸,壯于大輿之輹。/ 變卦地天泰 -- 經過偵測試驗的結果顯示:「雷電網」或「電磁屏幕」的效用幾乎沒有任何瑕疵可言,新式的「雷電藩籬防禦天網」以三度空間的陣容決定了不致於虛弱的城市防衛系統。此時,利用大型的輪機發電裝置,以「之」字形螺旋方式把導電絲線纏繞於大型的輪機轉軸,並以大型的磁性環圈連接發電機箱並覆接在輪機轉軸的外圍來產生穩定的電流、維持強大的電力,於是城市的空間防禦就能趨於安全、處之泰然了。(P.S.「輹」本指「連接車箱並覆接在輪軸上的弧形構件」,此處則有「連接發電機箱並覆接在輪機轉軸周圍的磁性環圈」之意。「輿」字早期的象形字雖然大多被解釋爲ㄧ種四手控制的載具,但也可能以簡化的截面圖示表達「輪機發電裝置」,其中以「車」代表「輪機轉軸」、「車」兩側似雙手的符號代表一對弧形的「磁性環圈」、下方的雙手符號則代表「輸入輪機轉軸的運轉力量」。)

六五:喪羊于易,無悔。/ 變卦澤天夬 -- 為了雷電網或電磁屏幕的設置與高能量蓄電池的能源需求供給,作出非常重大的決定、投入許多人力和資金,甚至可能造成經濟一時的潰決。在此變易交替之際,也許會喪失不少群眾的支持呢!然而,眼看計劃就快逐步實現,有什麼好後悔的呢?(P.S.此處「羊」解爲「群眾」。由於羊通常是習慣群集生活的動物,《易經》作者在此可能把「群」字用「羊」字來速記或簡寫,表達「群眾」的意思。)

上六:羝羊觸藩,不能退,不能遂,無攸利,艱則吉。/ 變卦火天大有 -- 果然,當敵群來犯、觸及雷電藩籬之時,進退不得、無法輕鬆突破和穿越。艱深難懂的技術原理,經過不斷的研發、測試和改良,最後終於有了完善的結果。然而,大有來頭的高能量電磁波發射器卻可以瞬間發射如同太陽風爆般的電磁脈衝微波輻射、干擾和破壞雷電藩籬的防禦力。此時,戰爭的型態和規模也變得更加多元複雜、令人聞之色變。(P.S.此處「羝羊」解爲「群集前來抵觸破壞的敵方群眾」。)

"What a great wall! When I watched the graphical hexagram of this qua, I almost could make sure it really looks like a small section in a series of the very traditional defensive wall which might have been built by skillful masonry and defensive constructors in history."

"Yes! Maybe you also can imagine there was a smart archer who carried a bow and arrows,.......and stood beside the crenel between two piles on that section of wall for watching and guarding. The original author of The I.E. Scripture seemed like roughly show us an archetype about the defensive wall of an ancient castle or a fortress city in this symbolic image."

"And the title words '大壯' of this qua seemed like having some features related to big and strong, or very great and con-solid. It probably revealed that the original Great Wall in China might be constructed during a very old ancient time, not just the later time near to Chin Dynasty in Hanese history."

"At the beginning in this qua, the lyrics already told, actually the con-solid wall wasn’t difficult to be destroyed by exploding a kind of ancient bomb 'Shaking Air Thunder', so called '震天雷' which seemed like being able to make a loud sound as the thunder and have power to shake and break the wall by quickly drumming and expanding the air. Such exploding weapon's name and its production technology were exactly noted and documented during the Sung Dynasty in Hanese history, but from this qua I suspect its more original and powerful type might already have been created during more ancient time."

"的確!歷史文獻曾經記載「震天雷」是出現在 13 世紀宋代的爆破兵器,據說是一種鐵殼包裹火藥製作的炸彈,但是《易經》在這裡卻顯示,更久遠以前的遠古時代可能早就存在更原始、威力更強大的類似製品。...... Why? Because of there was a multiple shooting pipes and warheads bombing system seemed like Arrayed Shaking Air Thunder, and its basic form might look like the ancient pictogram about this Hanese word '豐' which was noted in the second yao of this qua, such powerful weapon could easily break and destroy the solid defensive walls."

"And that's why those ancient journalists and predictors had ever suggested to give up building the heavy walls which protecting the fortress city, and to try to create and set the brand new of the three dimensional defensive systems as Thundering Electrical Defensive Spacial Web around the city in the third yao."

"In the fourth and fifth yao, the lyrics described the basic form in detail about the large electricity generator, because of such Thundering Electrical Defensive Spacial Web needed powerful and stable electricity to maintain its defensive ability. It might need a large amount of investment and impact the overall economy during its construction time, even lost many people's confidence and support."

"At last, they finally made such powerful defensive system work out very successfully to against the attacking of group enemies, but they also found that the high energy electro-magnetic pulse micro-wave weapons might easily interfere and destruct the Thundering Electrical Defensive Spacial Web in a moment by shooting its exploding radiation as the more powerful solar storm. From then on..….the wars became more complex and horrible."


"So, to those ancient citizens, the major question about the city defense might become how to create more sufficient and powerful electricity power plant."

"That meant, they ought to find more powerful energy resource for building the more progressive electricity generator."

"That's why the next qua '晉' was going to talk about the general advance or promotion, and kept going forward to a higher level integration involved a bond genus of knowledge and materials."

"That must be not only a normal progressive time, but a generational progressive time in humankind's civilization, if they had got the very power electricity generator........"

"And that's why this word '晉' was a little sounded like 'gen', it might involve the meanings about 'genus’, genera', 'general', and 'generation'......... Was that impacting the humankind's civilization to go forward to a very powerful generation time in the next qua?......"

When I kept thinking about this qua, I saw a big turtle slowly crawled on the beach, then I thought this Hanese word "壯" might be also created for presenting the ancient soldier's defensive shield and the sleeveless garment armor, because of "士" had a meaning about the crossing soldiers and sometimes they might stay behind a symbol of big plate "爿" as a standing wall to build the defensive line just liked this word "壯".

So, "大壯" might also have some other features about symbolizing a large troop of armored crossing soldiers or the giants in ancient myths and legends, even involved very big armored vehicles........ They seemed like could easily destroy or defense the heavy fortresses in ancient times........

And........when a section of the sea waves just looked like a series of the pictograph hexagram of this qua, it might be waving highly like a great wall and carrying the mighty force of bordering or destructing..............

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

2014年9月27日 星期六


【附圖:孔子編纂的《易經》,又區分爲「上經」和「下經」,而上下二經包含的卦數 (3034) 明顯不同,不是均分總卦數 64 爲各 32 卦。】

《易經》有六十四卦,64 卦分爲相等數量的兩堆,則每一堆有 32 卦。也就是說,如果要把《易經》依總卦數平均分成兩部經、編爲上下經,那麼「上經」及「下經」都應該各有 32 個卦,而「下經」就應該起於第 33 卦「遯」纔對。

問題是,為什麼孔子 (孔丘,公元前 551 年 ~ 公元前 479 年) 在編纂《易經》時,讓「下經」起於《易經》第 31 卦「咸」而不是從《易經》第 33 卦「遯」開始呢?


換句話說,「遯卦」前面的兩卦「咸」、「恆」可能記載了進入實質的「下經」之前必經的一些心理調適與準備的過程。那麼,如果把「咸 -- 011100」、「恆 -- 001110」兩卦拿來一起看,可能會發現它們的陽爻都聚集在卦象的中間部份,也就是好像有一組三個陽爻構成的「八卦乾 -- 111」 在那個空間裡前進後退、左右移動或上升下降的樣子,有點像在偵測掃瞄什麼似的。不禁讓人覺得,那會不會是什麼偵測儀器或機器人正在某個能力可及的範圍中收集情報和分析資訊?如果不是緊急狀況或衝動行事,在追逐與逃遁之前會有這樣的事前偵察準備的過程可能是很平常的事情。


P.S. 相關文章:易的故事-The Story of I.E. 

Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

2014年9月6日 星期六



    Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

2014年7月30日 星期三

生活中的抽象畫.113--清晨東北方天空出現一顆遠看似有同心圓環圈光影的星(仰 視)


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    Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

2014年7月29日 星期二


   水面連綿的浮萍和可以看見水面的斷開部份 (俯視局部) / 2013

   Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio

2014年7月24日 星期四

33. 遯 111100 天山-乾艮 (Quarter 3-1)

亨,小利貞。-- 如同觀察月亮光影區域內的變化一般,興致高昂的針對一個特定目標、漸次縮小圍繞目標的特定範圍、進行專注於目標的偵測和搜索,這就是所謂的追逐。反過來說,逃避被追逐或圍困的處境,往往也必需從一個小範圍中對外偵察與突圍。

初六:遯尾,厲,勿用有攸往。/ 變卦天火同人 -- 不論是追逐還是逃跑,在沒有目標或不知路況的情況下,尾隨他人行動往往是危險的,最好不要太大意啊!例如:駕車在後方尾隨他人行動時,最好保持適當的緩衝距離、以測安全,免得在高速進行時,當前方遇到緊急狀況、突然煞車或急轉彎,後方因為措手不及而不得不跟著做出「甩尾」(drift) 的高難度危險動作。尾隨他人的行動,最好事先知道目的,或是一起規劃行程,就算是在暗夜中迷了路,還能觀天文而知去向、依據日月星光來導向。

六二:執之用黃牛之革,莫之勝說。/ 變卦天風姤 -- 如同優質的黃牛皮革也會變色、發霉一樣,就算執著追尋的是再堅固的感情、緊握追求的是再穩固的關係,仍然有變質的可能。感情的維繫是日積月壘、彼此心照不宣的事,嘴上說說還不如實際行動來的可靠啊!就算是付諸實際行動,也需要彼此善解風情。

九三:係遯,有疾,厲,畜臣妾吉。/ 變卦天地否 -- 心繫追逐的目標,或是一心想要逃避追逐而不得,結果慌張失措、腳步混亂,甚至急出病來,這樣是很危險的。此時不如壘積相關資訊、設置瞭朢觀測器和訊息接收站,建立相關於追蹤目標或突破包圍的資訊聯結網,同時盡可能了解所處環境的整體狀況,然後決定是否展開實際行動。[P.S. 根據古代象形字可能的其它意像,此處「臣」解為「瞭朢觀測器」或「雷達望遠鏡」、「妾」解為「訊息接收站」或「電波偵訊座」「臣」字在古代和「目」字類似,可能俱備某種偵察朢遠能力的特質,也可能與所謂的「千里眼」、「順風耳」有關,應該是君子 (journalist and prophet, or judge) 工作時的良伴。]

九四:好遯,君子吉,小人否。/ 變卦風山漸 -- 跟隨流行的風尚、探索奇異的現象、追逐美好的事物、避開困窘的處境,君子們通常不落人後、感到歡喜和樂意,但是少數人剛開始往往不太確定、甚至否定,直到觀望了一陣子纔逐漸投入。

九五:嘉遯,貞吉。/ 變卦火山旅 -- 追逐受到嘉獎肯定的獎勵,通常被認為是值得喜悅的事情,有些人甚至為了參加遠方的獎項而組織團隊前往,展開長距離的奪標之旅。有時候,為了躲避不斷累積的困窘所帶來的壓力,到遠地旅行也能增廣見聞、大開眼界、轉換焦慮的心情啊!

上九:肥遯,無,不利。/ 變卦澤山咸 -- 當追逐的趨向抵達超凡脫俗的最高絕境之時,許多人往往轉而追逐虛無飄渺、捉摸不定與荒誕空幻的境界,無能為力於實質的利益。在這樣的情況下,追逐和逃避又有什麼不同呢?此時內心真正期待的,或許是心電感應的加強和超常能力的實現吧!(P.S. 此處「肥遯」可能與 English 中的 phantom 及 fantasy 直接相關,也很有可能是音近「荒唐」或「荒誕」的同義詞。) 

"It's no doubt that this qua was an awesome turning point in The I.E. Scripture, because of not only it was the start point of the third quarter in The I.E. Scripture, but also its title '遯' seemed like directly mark an obvious feature about turning....... 似乎是一個大轉變、大轉換的時刻......"

"111-100, Sky-Mountain,........ Was it very tall? Such mountain might let us feel, if we can climb up its ridge and pass over it, then we will turn ourselves into a very different realm and circumstance."

"Actually, there were a series of mountains called Sky Mountain or Teng'ri Tagh neared to Western China in ancient time, but I think the Sky-Mountain of 111-100 in The I.E. Scripture might be talking about the highest realm of mind, not the tallest mountain in reality."

"The lyrics in first yao seemed like talk about a severely dangerous situation related to 'turn tail' or 'follow behind'. Why they escaped or ran after? What they hid from or chased for? How they fled or seek?........ These must be the major riddles in this qua."

"It was obviously showing an awesome situation: They seemed like no more could stay at the previous place, and started trying to migrate and move speedily. The major point was what they feared and worried about, or what was the chased aim or next goal which they were going to run after? At that time, something must be turned on or turned off........" 

"Did you have the experience of just going to run and run without any exact purpose when you saw some people were suddenly running through your sight?......"

"Maybe! At that moment, you might think some kind of crisis or interesting event was just happening and couldn't stand to follow behind the runners......"

"Actually, such behavior is a little adventurous, because of you might not be able to make the well reaction in time as the preceding running direction is suddenly changed, then you might have to do a dangerous drifting movement at that emergent turning moment."

"I think the better following method is trying to make a confirmed appointment about the running route and make sure where is the aimed place before the action of the group running."

"So, to collect relative messages about the running way seemed like very important in the actions of escaping or chasing. The third yao even had noted that the ancient runners already took advantage of the radar and receiver to build the messages-collecting system for their running plan."

"I see, they even had been set some kind of long-range telescope or radar like observatory equipments and messages receiving cabin-pedestals to detect the subject which they wanted to chase, and tried efforts to understand the overall circumstance where they stayed in. These two Hanese words '臣, 妾' might just reveal such equipments's basic form in very ancient time, according to their pictogram's possible meanings which were different to the other later texts and scriptures in Hanese history." 


"It's reasonable, usually the journalists need some kind of information collecting tools include optical instruments, even some other progressive message-detecting and watching equipments for getting more evidences in their investigation about news, that's why '君' and '臣' and '妾' had very close relationship in the ancient time."

"As the news collectors and predictors, those ancient journalists were pleasant to hold and appreciate more information about the turning possibilities related to the future than normal people, that's why they could speedily decide how to change themselves moving directions and put themselves into the best turning ways. This situation was noted at the fourth yao in this qua."

"If concerned the good prizes, during the turning times, many people seemed like be willing to run for the honorable awards, they even made teams to participate in the competitions far away from their hometowns or native places. Actually,  some of the awards might react with something about the awesomely anticipated changes in the future."

"At last, when many people gradually started to run for the very fantasy or phantom subjects and without concerning the useful and substantial benefits in reality, that meant the real world might be going to arrive at an awesome turning point of the other changing time, and the extreme goal which the runners would really like to run for might be to make the dreams of long-range telepathy and supernatural abilities come true."


"Yes! Something might be regarded as the impossible mission or ridiculous attempt, even crazy and insane, but sometimes the brands of new concepts had been just the turning corners to find a possibly realistic way."

"That's why the next qua '大壯' was going to talk about the most strong power or great defensive wall, that must be the most difficult way for running and getting through......"

"If you already got arrival at the top of the world, the highest sky-mountain,........ Then in your next steps........what will be the most difficult thing which you like to do?"

"I might look the great world under my feet and naturally look the great sky above my head, too. Maybe I will be staring blankly, stunning, losing in thought....... Maybe hope someone takes me to get out of there...…before I'm regretting for those hard efforts in my past running......."

"Maybe you will just need a joke to let you break the mind wall of yourself. Because of you might find not only you had ever got arrival at that highest point, and you might wonder how they could leave there and what were their turning ways?........"

"Was that a secret? Or a mind code which was the most difficult decoding course?........"

"No, it's not so difficult, that way will be very obvious to look out from a mirror,......sky-mountain......mountain-sky......, if you cannot go up to the sky above your head and also no dare to go down to the world under your feet, then......why don't you just live in the great mountain which seemed like a large national natural park?........."

"Yes! if you feel no place to hide and no place to find, the great mountain just supply the plenty places to let you turn around for a long time........ just like the great ocean,........ amazing paradise,...... mysterious labyrinth,....... Or you may try to move along the other big choice -- prepare to go through the next boundary and face the mightily strongest innovatory power or solidest border line........."

The border line on the beach was always changing with sea waves. When I stayed with Mermaid E. on the beach, seemed like both of us had been escaped from each others's familiar home place and tried to run for something misty and didn't know which way of our future will turn into, but we knew there was no place to hide,.........sunlight was shinning, air was passed-able, water was transparent, and of course there might be no heavy border between our spirits, too............

Sometimes the heavy border might be also the heaviest burden when seriously fixed it as an unchangeable or an inflexible dividing line, after many and many years long time later, it might just leave a great memory for visiting and sighing..........

P.S.1. 《易經》是談變化的經典,而「遯卦」也有大轉變、big turning 的意思;無獨有偶的是,在生物學的演化論中也有所謂的「突變」(mutation)。面對意外災難時,逃難的選擇可能也是演化突變的關鍵影響因素之一。例如:洪水或其它威脅突然降臨時,猿猴當下可能選擇就地爬上高高的樹木避難、食用樹上的水果,於是逐漸演化成長臂短腿、長腳趾和弓身的體態;人類則選擇涉過淺水、奔逃到地勢高處、手持工具抵抗及挖掘根莖類食物充飢,於是逐漸演化為長手長腿和直立的身軀。也許可以這麼說,逃難時躲避的愈遠,演化的差異就愈大。

P.S.2. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


Copyright  @  LS. Creative Studio

2014年7月23日 星期三



P.S.「一紙空間」(One Paper Space,簡稱OPS) 顧名思義就是可以由僅僅摺疊一張紙所產生的空間模型來建構的空間或造型。

相關文章: LS.摺本凝結的紙語

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詞:羅聖爾 (2008)


Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio


不要驚慌  你看見永生的花
不要害怕  你看見不滅的光
你仍然追尋著  另一種感受

你仍然追尋著  另一種感受

在喧囂之中  你仍沉默寧靜
我會陪伴你追尋著  另一種感受

詞:羅聖爾 (1988)
曲:羅聖爾 (1988)

巷中的小孩 -- Kids in Lane 組曲 8/8

Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio





P.S. 這首詞作中的「共放一只蝴蝶風箏」原來是寫爲「共放一隻蝴蝶風箏」,經過多年以後,筆者又將其中的「隻」字改寫為「只」字。而此時,腦中浮現的畫面正是一個風箏具有兩條牽引線,然後有兩個人,一人從一邊各拉一條線同時連接著飄蕩在天空中的一只風箏。

詞:羅聖爾 (1988)
曲:羅聖爾 (1988)

巷中的小孩 -- Kids in Lane 組曲 7/8

Copyright @ LS. Creative Studio


  0 與 1 在一棚 (棚下俯瞰遠景) / 2012

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