2013年9月25日 星期三

01. 乾 111111 天天-乾乾 (Sky Axis)

元亨利貞。 -- 陽光普照的大白天裡,人體感官通常比較開放敏銳,潛意識的訊息也不容易顯現出來,所以意識或元神會完全亨通、通暢、興致勃勃而銳利敏感的專注在偵測或觀察的行為上。也就是說,此時意識會把精神完全投注在觀察各種外在環境的現象,如同天真的小孩一般,處在還未形成意識分解的精神狀態,心智上也沒有現實和夢境的分野或區劃。

初九:潛龍勿用。/ 變卦天風姤 -- 經過一段時間以後,由於理性的感官系統辨識能力的侷限或疏忽,有些比較細微或忽略的訊息和意念就堆積在內心深處的潛意識中。於是,有時候潛意識就會開始產生訊息回溯、出現一些像龍一樣的虛擬物質或是籠統含糊、難以理解的訊息,如同睡夢中令人百思不解的夢境。此時,潛意識對於心智運作的影響只有表面的、微弱的作用,就像感覺到空氣中有一點微風、池子裡出現一層沉積的薄垢,也讓個體產生了自我意識。

九二:見龍在田,利見大人。/ 變卦天火同人 -- 逐漸的,自我意識的存在感如同形成植物種子一樣更加強化,也開始能像農人整理田地一般的理解潛意識發出的籠統混雜的訊息,於是逐漸感受到大人、成年人或大眾的心境,也就是大多數人的內心其實都存在著一個積壓著許多未經處理的訊息的潛意識資訊庫,其中包含各種潛在的欲念、渴望、憂慮、驚恐等等超出理性的感官系統可以感知的細微資訊或是自我意識忽略的意念情緒,明白了現實和夢境的分野,並且產生了同理心或同情心。

九三:君子終日乾乾,夕惕若厲,無咎。/ 變卦天澤履 -- 就這樣,君子一天又一天連續不斷的記錄觀察和知覺外在現實的事物,晚上睡覺時內心的潛意識又藉著夢境產生各種回溯的訊息,於是在這種現實和夢境的交相刺激之下,自我意識就如同植物受到陽光和澤水的刺激和潤澤而逐漸生長發芽,心智的運轉也開始加速進行,形成某種輔助現實意識行動的、自圓其說的道理或思維,對於陌生含糊的訊息也比較不會隨便錯怪或大驚小怪。

九四:或躍在淵,無咎。/ 變卦風天小畜 -- 當自我意識對於潛意識發出的訊息有了一定程度的認識,也對感性層面的訊息積蓄了更多清楚理解的心得,於是潛意識裡的訊息就像深淵裡混濁的水流蒸發出風動的氣流,心智的運作也躍昇到更高的層面,對於陌生含糊的訊息也會更加寬容,不會隨便錯怪,也不會少見多怪或隔絕於外。

九五:飛龍在天,利見大人。/ 變卦火天大有 -- 自我意識終於能充分兼顧情理,就算含糊籠統的訊息從天外飛來,仍然心中有數、不憂不懼、通情達理,也能透徹的感受到大人,即一般的成年人或大眾的心境,甚至可以把這些訊息轉變成像太陽火熱的天然能量一般有用的資源,實現自我的理想。

上九:亢龍有悔。/ 變卦澤天夬 -- 夢想的實現達到了最高點,也就變成了現實的一部份。此時,如果受困於自己創造出來的現實而不知變通,自然會感到作繭自縛、自陷困境、悔不當初,自我意識甚至可能會因此而像水庫決堤一樣的瀕臨崩潰的處境。

用九:見群龍無首,吉。/變卦坤為地 -- 通常,當自我意識崩潰之後,心智在處理資訊時就失去了理性和秩序,於是潛意識籠統含糊的感性訊息便會充滿全身,形成一種有待意識重組的、類似無厘頭的混亂局面。不過這樣的結果,通常也是心智再度躍昇成長的轉機、對外連結解困的機會,而自我意識也會從僵硬的機械性公式化運作變得像大地上的土壤一樣更加柔軟、更加有彈性。

Why the water in the sea keeps many secrets?......For creation?.......Or for recreation?......I think Mermaid E. know more than me......

"I feel these old pictogram words in 乾卦 was talking about Curiosity, Interest, Activity and Gathering or Addiction......"

"In Taiwanese, 乾 sounds like 胗, and 胗 sounds like 'gen'......What is 胗? It's chicken's stomach,.....and chicken is sounded 'ge' in Taiwanese........That means 乾 just like a food gathering organ.....or a message-gathering character......."

"Coincidentally the first book in the Bible is just Genesis which involved 'gen', so do the hereditary code 'gene'......"

"If you had ever seen the candy-floss with a slender stick, then you might imagine the character of 乾 and how the space of I.E. is created.......乾 is getting and getting,......getting more and more links with others and everything else......until the self-consciousness of its mind loses itself,......even crashes....."

"乾 not only creates its own rich space, but also creates a labyrinth or maze world of itself......That's why human body's intestines which belongs to the rear part of the digestive system or gastrointestinal seems like a labyrinth......"

"Actually the right part '乞' of this word '乾' was graphed like '气' and involved the symbol '彡', it had the meaning of moving air or the character of flowing gas. Air and gas could easily move and mix together, that's why 乾 was able to gather the messages speedily and also easily to  become a bungle of complete mess." 


"Maybe we should have some researching about what can be eaten....and what cannot be eaten.......It's the question about meal,.....about choosing and cooking food for the healthy body,......and the feeding of messages to the balanced mind...."

"How?......If you feel tired,.....that means you should get slowly in catching information and have some rest or sleep,......to let your mind feel easy and have sufficient time for re-organizing the messages which your sense organs of the body had input before......"

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


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