2013年9月25日 星期三

03. 屯 010001 水雷-坎震 (Quarter 1-1)

元亨利貞,勿用有攸往,利建侯。 -- 流水之下有震動,一頓一頓的震動著,好像有什麼力量在水下作用、傳遞到水面來。此時,讓元神意識通暢銳利的偵察水面的變化,如果不能悠游自在的渡水前往,那就盡可能穩健自身的能力,然後等候適當的時機再出發吧!

初九:磐桓,利居貞,利建侯。/ 變卦水地比 -- 看著眼前微微震動的水面,內心徘徊著、盤算著,水下究竟是什麼東西在震動呢?是魚嗎?是蛇嗎?是龍嗎?......還是自己內心深處不安的欲念在兀自掙扎、惷惷欲動呢?......接近一些去觀察,用銳利的感官安靜的偵察水面的動靜、比較震動訊息的強弱變化,等候適當的時機再出發吧!

六二:屯如邅如,乘馬班如。匪寇!婚媾?女子貞不字,十年乃字。/ 變卦水澤節 -- 頓時,水面又是一陣一陣顫動......喔!不一定是水下的震動,也許是遠處的馬群奔騰、馬蹄蹬地的震波經由地面傳到水面引起的震動。如果不是意識衝突的互相干擾引起的躁動,會不會是戀愛邂遘的求婚追逐引起的騷動呢?......如果這水面的震動和待嫁的女子有關,從震動的微弱、節制來看,恐怕要經過十年她纔會在婚約上簽字答應婚事哪!(P.S.「匪」字在古代的本意可能是「一個區域中的非常態訊息」或「一個區域中刺激性較強的訊息」。「寇」字在這裡似乎有「控制或干擾意識空間」的意思。)

六三:即鹿無虞,惟入於林中。君子幾,不如舍,往吝。/ 變卦水火既濟 -- 追逐美麗的野鹿、節節逼近美麗的野鹿,不知不覺跟著野鹿進入樹影幢幢的森林中,那是頭角狀如樹枝、斑紋狀似葉影的野鹿藏身最好的地方。君子追求異地的女子,就像獵人追逐野鹿一般,此時衝動的想靠近對方,不如耐心等待她自願現身,繼續前進只會走入狹窄的困境,滿足不了心底隱約震動的慾望啊!(P.S. 此處「幾」有「近」的含意,例如「幾乎」即類似「近至」之意。)

六四:乘馬班如,求婚媾,往吉,無不利。/ 變卦澤雷隨 -- 水面上的震動是馬群奔騰、馬蹄蹬地的震波經由地面傳到水面引起的震動,那正是戀愛邂遘的求婚追逐引起的震動啊!......如果下定決心要和對方結合,那就勇敢的走到她面前、說出自己的心意,就算她不願意答應,對自己也沒什麼損失啊!......隨心所欲的傾吐心底的欲望吧!她可能正在等待你對她說出震撼人心的傾慕之語呢!

九五:屯其膏,小貞吉,大貞凶。/ 變卦地雷復 -- 震撼度太高,反而打草驚蛇般的嚇跑對方,偵測性、試探性的給對方一些可以恢復平息的、小小的震撼,達到彼此可以意識到對方、足以輕鬆連結的程度就好,驚天動地般太大的震撼和偵測試探只會讓對方以為你有凶惡的企圖,結果反而在她的心目中烙下不好的印象呢!

上六:乘馬班如,泣血漣如。/ 變卦風雷益 -- 震撼度過高時,就像馬群奔騰、馬蹄蹬地的震波經由地面傳到水面引起的激烈震動一般,水面都濺溢出許多漣漣的水珠,就連水面上的空氣都受到震動、刮起了一陣風。是風生水起好運來嗎?別高興的太早!也許是她被你嚇哭了,漣漣的淚水奪眶而出,就像傷到了心臟、噴出了血呢!

"When the water is waving,...... something is changing,......but you must wait and observe......until the waves become an obvious sign......As you are waiting, of course you might feel a bit tension in your mind,......then you must take the chance of making a good decision to start your auction at the best timing......"

"My dear!...... Do you know why the author of 易經 made an example of an experience of proposing marriage to explain the 屯卦?"

"I think this qua 屯 is related to the word - tension, and he or she might have ever felt stronger intention as falling in love with someone."

"That's very interesting, because the tone or vocal sound of the Hanese word '屯' is a little bit closed to the English word 'tension',...... and it involves the letter-shape 't' in English alphabet."

"Actually, I can see the symbol on the top of the word '屯' seems like another Hanese word '十', and '十' has a meaning related to 'number ten' at left part of the English word - tension."

"I suppose there were some mysterious translators between English and Hanese in ancient time......or they might come from another same planet, but separated to different lands on earth......"

"I suppose the original author of the 易經 might be a skillful deer hunter or just know those skillful deer hunters, because of some words in there also revealed something about hunting deers in the forest,......but finally he or she understood that forests belong to deers, and it was also a place for resting, not for tensing......"

"How would you love someone in a very tensing situation for a long time?......"

"As you fall in love with an innocent one,......or a day dreamer,......or a monomania one,......would you?"


"How to make a deal with my dear?.......There are many differences between each wave of sounds......If you didn't listen carefully, then you might lose more knowledge in the sounds that you were hearing......"

"Knowledge?......Why I need knowledge?......For making every decision in my life?......If I haven't sufficient knowledge, will I become a monomania one?......But......If I have too much knowledge, will I suffer my own mind?......"

"Maybe that's the reason why another word 'tender' was created......You find, seek, wait, try, test, taste,......as a tutor of yourself,.......and you will feel the time is started to exist......"

At that moment, I was almost hearing an old sweet love song sounded with winds on the beach, and tenderly waved the sea water:

Love me tender, Love me sweet, ..............................

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


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