2013年9月26日 星期四

05. 需 010111 水天-坎乾 (Quarter 1-3)

有孚光亨,貞吉,利涉大川。 -- 有水氣飄浮在天上,而且高處的陽光會透過它,那通常是薄薄的雲層,還不到降雨的程度。經過偵察的結果是:在這樣的狀況下,面寬水淺的大河川通常不會因為降雨而暴漲,是可以涉水渡河的時候。此時如果有什麼需求,也是進行交涉的好時機呢!

初九:需于郊,利用恆,無咎。/ 變卦水風井 -- 需求的東西如果是在城市郊外的遠處,疏通可以快速往來的運輸通路或是建立互通有無的轉運站是需要恆心的。就像鑿井接通地下水的工程一樣,需要耐心和恆心去長期經營啊!(P.S. 此處「于」解爲「在」或「於」,漢字「于」衍生出「在于」、「關于」、「源于」、「屬于」等語意,類似 English 中的 in, on, at 或 of, about 等介繫詞。)

九二:需于沙,小有言,終吉。/ 變卦水火既濟 -- 需求的如果像沙子一樣,雖然微小卻能有聲有色,並且會受到氣候影響而捉摸不定、可聚可散的到處流動,此時只要建立暢通的資訊管道,最終還是可以達成連結、滿足所需。

九三:需于泥,致寇至。/ 變卦水澤節 -- 需要的如果像泥巴一樣,帶有會讓人沉溺的性質,很容易讓意識受到侵擾和控制而滯礙沉迷於其中,這種需求就必須節制。(P.S. 此處「寇」解爲控制、侵入、干擾元神意識等含意。)

六四:需于血,出自穴。/ 變卦澤天夬 -- 需求的如果像身體需要暢流不阻的血液一樣,是日常生活裡不可欠缺的必需品,最好不要外求,要能自家出產及庫存纔是,否則一旦供給的來源中斷,有可能會立刻造成自身的潰決。

九五:需于酒食,貞吉。/ 變卦地天泰 -- 需求的如果是酒品和食品,要確保產地的乾淨品質、經過偵察檢驗、詳細過濾,這樣纔能安心無憂、處之泰然、放心的加以連結。

上六:入于穴,有不速之客三人來,敬之終吉。/ 變卦風天小畜 -- 需求的如果都已經納入自家的經營和庫存的積蓄,那也就沒有什麼對外的需求了。這時候,如果有很多人不請自來,那通常是因為迫於欠缺、有所需求纔來。要警覺防患,最終纔能妥當的加以連結,以免造成爭訟的混亂。(P.S. 漢字造字通常以三代表多數,此處「三人」意指「很多人」。)

"What do you need?"

"What should you need?......All you need is love,.....and....."

"I think this qua '需' was talking about the necessity or requirement,......they are the most important to the daily life......"

"Light, air, water and food, I think these are most necessary for everyone in the world,......then maybe you will have some other desires......"

"Do you see that word '需'?......It was graphed as a person under the falling rain in the early ancient time, and it sounds like 'should'......Not only human and animals need clean water, but all plants and micro-biota need......."


"Yes, I can imagine the rains were falling down on that person's shoulder from the word '需',......maybe that was one of the reasons why '需' sounded like 'should',.........then why the image of that person in this pictogram word became '而'?......I think it's related to 'ought' and 'urgent', because '而' sounded like 'ought' or 'urgent'......"

"What a mysterious word!......Both of  'should' and '需' might be created from the same concept of asking pure or clean water from the sky by some kind of loudly shouting originally, even involved dancing,...........but this qua also talked about more ways to get the clean water and the other living resources......"

"I had ever thought,......if I already got all I should need and won't be lacking of anything in the rest of my life,......then what will happen?......"

"You must be a rich farmer or skillful worker,.......a lord,......a king,......or a master......No matter what, you will be somebody with reliable shoulders......."


"After getting all you should need, even become a reliable rich person,......then how to share with other people?......How to supply and distribute the necessities?......How to make good judgements in possible disputing and debating?......"

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


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