2013年9月25日 星期三

04. 蒙 100010 山水-艮坎 (Quarter 1-2)

匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我,初筮告,再三瀆,瀆則不告,利貞。 -- 水氣蒸發往上騰,山頭一片霧濛濛。此時,可以遠眺四方的山頭就好像被遮住了眼睛,又像個矇眛幼稚、沒有遠見、懵懂無知的童子,只作著朦朦朧朧的春秋大夢,不知世間真相。不是我有求於懵懂無知的童子,是懵懂無知、求知心切的童子有求於我啊!剛開始我很樂意告訴他我曾經攝取的資訊和實際的經歷,但是同樣的事情他卻一問、再問、三問的,一副不太相信我的樣子,這讓我覺得信譽受到污蔑,所以就不想再回答他了。或許他真正需要的是:放下總是描寫著朦朧山水的畫筆、走出遮蔽雙眼的一頭霧水、用他自己銳利的感官去偵測、觀察和體會天下的萬事萬物啊![P.S. 此處「筮」字通過「ask = A四工 = AAAA工 = ΛㄧΛㄧΛㄧΛㄧ工 = Λ丨Λ丨Λ/Λ/工 = 个个人人工 = 竹巫 = 筮」的轉換而意通 ask (答之叩、答之求、言示求、疑釋求、知求,即類似「問」、「問求」、「求問」、「求知」、「求開示」、「求解釋」、「求解答」之類的意思)。]

初六:發蒙,利用刑人,用說桎梏,以往吝。/ 變卦山澤損 -- 撥開朦朧的霧水,霧水還是會合攏,在只能矇混的環境中努力是無濟於事的。讓感官的焦點銳利暢通的專注在一個有形的目標,或是可以作為模範的、典型的人。這樣精減資訊來源的作用是:脫離受困於無知的心靈枷鎖,遠離見識狹窄的矇眛處境。

九二:包蒙吉,納婦吉,子克家。/ 變卦山地剝 -- 如果把對朦朧事物的理解都懷抱在意識的連結中,就連對婦女心思的諒解都納入在意識的連結中,那麼原本矇眛無知的童子將會脫胎換骨、克服感官意識被先天環境層層剝削的困境,成為某種類型的專家、擁有自已的一片天地。

六三:勿用取女見,金夫不有躬,無攸利。/ 變卦山風蠱 -- 微小的作用往往可以在讓人感到有趣的女人身上發現,那種細膩的表情和微小的動作,甚至足以蠱惑人心的腔調,絕不是自視多金、孔武有力、不願意屈居於別人之下、從不彎腰求人的大丈夫可以學得來的。很多東西可不是一廂情願、悠悠哉哉的就能輕易獲得啊!(P.S.六三爻的爻辭承接前面二個爻的爻辭內容,似乎是發言者在批評一位剛剛認識的年輕人,所以在此改變一般坊間流傳易經版本的標點符號斷句方式。實際上,古代許多漢字文本是沒有標點符號的,因此後世的解讀者還得揣摩如何斷句纔能得到最接近原文含意的詮釋。在以下對《易經》文辭的解讀中可能還會有類似的情況,也就不再一一解釋為何採用不同的斷句方式了。)

六四:困蒙吝。/ 變卦火水未濟 -- 受困在自得其滿的曖眛情境中是無濟於事的,那只會讓自己的心智更矇眛、更狹窄,更看不到未來的真相啊!

六五:童蒙吉。/ 變卦風水渙 -- 其實在霧濛濛的山頭下方,就是風生氣爽、霧水渙散之處,可以看得更清晰、看得更遠。童子矇眛無知,要降低自視甚高的心態,讓一頭霧水的知覺感官對外連結啊!

上九:擊蒙,不利為寇,利禦寇。/ 變卦地水師 -- 直接動手打擊包圍在四周的矇眛,就像伸手去抓那飄緲難捉的霧氣,抓不到什麼東西啊!那只會讓感官意識糾纏在糢糊不清的處境中、擾亂自己的意識空間,不如隔空用敏感銳利的意識感官,間接的駕御和連繫這個矇眛的環境、防禦自己的意識空間免於受到干擾和控制吧!(P.S.此處「寇」解爲控制、干擾。)

"As you waiting and thinking about how to proceed and when to start before the next step, many ideas or messages might surround your mind just like day dreams....."

"Hanese called dream as 夢, its sound closed to 'moon' and 蒙, and 蒙 has some meanings related to covered or masked by grass,......that's why I always think the original moon might be a planet covered with a lot of grasses....."

"Maybe those coverages on the surface of the ancient moon were not grasses, but a layer of foggy lights looked like grasses,.......that's some kinds of symbolic description about monumental graves or dead spirits,.......even about monastic mind......."

"Can you see that moon in night sky?......It's not alone,......so many stars are its companies......Its light is more tender than sunlight,......that's why we can see those stars surround it......"

"You must be kidding me.....Everyone knows that moonlight is a part of sunlight.....The moon always reflects the light of the sun,.......It's just a big and cold round rolling rock with many potholes, just like a spongy ball covered with sands......"

"Not just that!.....Keep observing and thinking......The moon is not mono, it's absolutely not a monomania one from the beginning,......it was considered as a small broken piece near to earth in the great solar system,......it had ever tried to escape from the gravity of the sun, but also couldn't land on earth......"

"Why?......Why moon didn't land on the ground of the earth?..... "

"......Maybe it was too big to the earth......and unfortunately its living resources might be taken by gravity of the earth during that very early period of time as it was escaping from the sun's gravity and moving closer to earth......"

"......The earth is always early in living,.....and the moon is always lonely in living......Is that why the moon has another name called Luna......?"

"Sun was always solely,.....moon was always lonely,......stars were always staring,.....but the earth was the earliest one to earn and think for  living......That must be a long story in the beginning, isn't it?......"

"Something must still be left there,......something could not be taken by the gravity......No matter what, the earth got protection of air,......and......and might not only get from the moon......"


"So, what information or living resources are you earning for?......That's the most important issue of what should you need or require,.......and that's the way of direction about your discovering....."

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.


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